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== About the Live DVD ==
== About the Live DVD ==
The OSGeo Live DVD packages a stack of 35 of the best Geospatial Open Source applications onto an Xubuntu based linux distribution.
The OSGeo Live DVD packages a stack of 35 of the best Geospatial Open Source applications onto an Xubuntu based linux distribution.

Revision as of 12:17, 21 March 2010

About the Live DVD

The OSGeo Live DVD packages a stack of 35 of the best Geospatial Open Source applications onto an Xubuntu based linux distribution.

From the Arramagong DVD, people can trial the best GeoSpatial Open Source Software without installing any applications on their computer. It is a very powerful marketing tool for Open Source, ideal for handing out at conferences or to be used as the basis for Open Source training courses.

The DVD also comes with some windows installers for many of the GeoSpatial applications.

About OSGeo's involvement in GSoC

This is the OSGeo LiveDVD page for Google Summer of Code 2010. Here we will list project ideas and and other information related to the LiveDVD projects.


  OSGeo Flyer at http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/marketing/flyer/google_summer_of_code/OSGeo_GSoC_2010.pdf
  Videos at      http://code.google.com/p/google-summer-of-code/wiki/Videos
  More Flyers at http://code.google.com/p/google-summer-of-code/wiki/GsocFlyers


(GSoC timeline)

  • Mentoring organization applications open (March 8-12)
  • Accepted mentoring organizations announced (March 18)
  • Interested students should initiate preliminary discussions with projects (March 18-29)
  • Student applications open (March 29)
  • Deadline for student's applications (April 9)
Registering your application early (before the deadline) allows us to give you feedback for revisions before the final deadline, enhancing your proposal and thus giving you a better chance of success.
  • Mentor assignments and application reviews deadline (April 21)
  • Accepted proposals announced (April 26)
  • Community bonding time (getting to know the students)
  • Work Begins (May 24)
  • Midterm evaluation (July 12-16)
  • Pencils down! (August 9)
  • Final evaluations submitted to Google (August 16)

Required Steps

  • List ideas
  • Assign Mentors to Ideas
  • Notify OSGeo
  • Mentors evaluate student applications
  • Accepted students announced
  • Students subscribe to email list and introduce themselves
  • Set up SVN access
    • Create a Wiki page for each accepted project, to be used as a progress reporting tool
  • Coding begins...
  • Students and mentors: Complete the Mid-term survey
  • Final commit and packaging for Google


  • Project ideas of your own are also most welcome.

Automated testing of all projects

Willing to Mentor: Cameron Shorter

The LiveDVD contains a simple list of test steps for each geospatial application here: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Testing .

Many project also have their own automated testing systems.

What would be very useful would be one, or a set of automated testing processes, which would run all applications and verify they work.

Consistent dataset across projects

Willing to Mentor: Cameron Shorter

Currently applications have all been packaged with their own datasets. This results in multiple, similar datasets all on the DVD taking up valuable room. It also makes it difficult to compare the different applications.

This project would involve aligning all projects to use a core set of datasets. It would likely involve updating documentation for many of the applications.

Multi-language support

Willing to Mentor: (your name here)

Accepted Ideas

  • TBD