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m (→‎Booth Area: added rich gibson)
(added my info for the osgeo booth)
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* Chris Holmes, OSGeo (and GeoServer).
* Chris Holmes, OSGeo (and GeoServer).
* Rich Gibson, OSGeo in general
* Rich Gibson, OSGeo in general
* Dylan Beaudette, GRASS, general stuff
* Add your name and project here
* Add your name and project here

Revision as of 10:41, 25 May 2006

Look for plenty of OSGeo visibility and participation at Where 2.0.

Join us at the booth, the Birds of a Feather gathering, or Developer Roundtable!


Several people from OSGeo (and some non-OSGeo) are doing presentations at the conference.

Booth Area

A 10 foot x 10 foot OSGeo booth area will be available for use by OSGeo members and projects, on Tuesday June 13.

  • Two 6’ draped counters (20 linear feet)
  • 2 counter height stools
  • 8’ high draped backwall to hang banner
  • High speed Internet connection
  • Electrical connection for two computers

If you are planning to attend the event and would like to participate and represent your project, ADD YOUR NAME AND PROJECT below by May 31.

  • Tyler Mitchell, OSGeo in general
  • Dave McIlhagga, OSGeo in general
  • Jo Walsh, OSGeo in general
  • Pete Southwood or Arnab Ganguly, MapGuide Open Source
  • mpg, OSGeo in general (Tuesday only)
  • Arnulf Christl, OSGeo in detail, Mapbender
  • Chris Holmes, OSGeo (and GeoServer).
  • Rich Gibson, OSGeo in general
  • Dylan Beaudette, GRASS, general stuff
  • Add your name and project here

Booth staffing and scheduling will be determined once interested participants are known.

Exhibit Move-in Hours:

Monday, June 12, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Tuesday, June 13, 7:00 am – 10:00 am

Exhibit Show Hours: Tuesday, June 13, 10:00 am – 7:30 pm

(Actual open time: 10-11, 12-2, 3-4:30, 6-7:30 reception)

Exhibit Move-out Hours:

Tuesday, June 13, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Birds of a Feather Gathering

An informal gathering of the open source geospatial community will occur at:

  • Tuesday, June 13
  • now at 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
  • Location: Plaza Room

Tyler is now running the BOF.

The "agenda" will be something like this:

  • Welcome (BOF Host: Tyler)
  • "What is OSGeo?" (5-10 mins) (Speaker 1)
  • "OSGeo and the Open Geodata Project" (5 mins) (Speaker: Jo Walsh)
  • "An OSGeo Project" (5 mins) (Speaker 3)
  • "An OSGeo Project" (5 mins) (Speaker 4)
  • open discussion (remainder of time, until wee small hours)

The actual agenda will firm up closer to the time, when we get a better feel for who is going to be presenting what on the main stage, e.g. we don't want to repeat a "What is OSGeo" talk -- and who is actually going to be at the conference.

Preference for "Project" speakers will be those who don't get main-stage airtime. Also, note that I'm explicitly including the "Edu" and "OpenData" groups as projects.

Press Event: Developer Roundtable

Section got too big -- moved to separate page: OSGeo at Where PressEvent

Pre-Conference Messaging

OSGeo has the opportunity to email conference attendees who have opted in to receive communications regarding the event. The conference organizers at O'Reilly will provide a list 7-10 days prior to the conference. Chris Holmes has volunteered to craft a message promoting OSGeo activities at Where 2.0 and invite others to join us.

Look for a one page ad promoting OSGeo in the conference program. It is a minimalist design, as our resources are limited here. We will reuse this as a flyer promoting OSGeo.