Difference between revisions of "Board Meeting 2015-12-10"

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* FOSS4G update
* FOSS4G update
* Replace Anne Ghisla as LocationTech representative
* Replace Anne Ghisla as LocationTech representative
* GeoServer code sprint funding [https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/board/2015-November/013599.html request]
* GeoServer code sprint funding [https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GeoServer_Code_Sprint_2016 request] / [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mp2xWq95t1rqwle6_WCQ0qD8D9-1icitLH0AiJQ7r4Y/edit#gid=990228872 budget]
* OSGeo geo4all / education committee: status of the discussion, potential vote if geo4all AB makes a decision
* OSGeo geo4all / education committee: status of the discussion, potential vote if geo4all AB makes a decision
* update on UCGIS MOU
* update on UCGIS MOU

Revision as of 22:20, 9 December 2015

This board meeting is scheduled for the 10th of December 2015 at 14.00 UTC through IRC and follow up voting by email.


Current items


As time permits:

  • FOSS4G-Argentina request to add OSGeo as a supporter of the event (add logo to branding)

Items from past meetings


Full, raw minutes notes

  • IRC Log at