Difference between revisions of "Paris Code Sprint 2016 : XP"

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- Using only TOSPrint is not enough
- Using only TOSPrint is not enough
   - OSGeo discuss mailing list
   * OSGeo discuss mailing list
   - Tweeter (and if possible with a dedicated account for the event)
   * Tweeter (and if possible with a dedicated account for the event)
   - Projects ML wanted to reach
   * Projects ML wanted to reach
- #TOSPrint should have been replaced by something like #CodeSprint #OSGeo  
- #TOSPrint should have been replaced by something like #CodeSprint #OSGeo  

Revision as of 08:44, 14 March 2016


- Using only TOSPrint is not enough

 * OSGeo discuss mailing list
 * Tweeter (and if possible with a dedicated account for the event)
 * Projects ML wanted to reach

- #TOSPrint should have been replaced by something like #CodeSprint #OSGeo

 (who reminds that TO refers to Toronto ?)

- When you speak about money, far more people listen.

 And so was also a way to promote this event (through funding stuff).

- Use one mail time to time with several points stacked, increase chances to be read.

Event dynamic

- We avoid every time we could to interrupt the whole sprint at once (for speechs, announces and so on…). Sponsors could have a kakemono, but no dedicated time for a speech. No D1 welcome speech, nor ending one on D4…

- Forget any kind of evening event not strictly related to code and projects, nobody care.

- D2 evening is a good timing to let everyone talk about what he do.

 It let time enough to anyone to really get in.

- Projects tables plan been design with bridges care in mind.

- Keep the best evening place affordable, for the last evening.

 (and try to make every day better than the one before)

- Staying on the event sprint on at least one evening is a really good idea.

 D2 choice was a good one. (maybe D1 could be, but for sure, not D3).

- If the venue allow that, find a solution to open the main room on early morning.

- Evening places must allow to communicate easily in small groups.

Food and drink

- Quality and variety of food and drink was really targeted. To be noticed that attendees noticed it.

- For a next edition keep in mind that ~10% of attendees are vegetarian. Here, some meals were veggie’s proof, but not alls…

- Open bar on evening time is appreciated (what a surprise).


- Organizing such an event in a different city from those you live in, is somehow a bit touchy.

- Attendees expected that D1 morning breakfast would be already available. And it wasn’t.

- We really miss one or two rooms, big enough for 10-12 peoples. For meetings.

- Badges was a good idea, something to keep on such a big group.

 Color code related to projects, on badges, to. But forget to communicate on the color code a bit pity. 
 Keep in mind that badges can’t stop to flip and print name on both sides.

Note for myself

- Already being tired at D0, wasn’t such a good idea.