User:Peter Loewe

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OSGeo Member
Name: Peter Löwe [[File:
Peter Löwe
Job Title: Head of Research Infrastructure
Company: DIW Berlin
City: Potsdam
Country: Germany
Local Chapter: FOSSGIS
Instant Messaging: skype: peter.loewe
Language(s): German, English
Personal Description : Peter is a Geographer (ORCID).

In 2000 he became the first person to join the newly founded german GRASS User Society (renamed in 2008:

He actively advocates FOSSGIS in Science in the Earth and Space Informatics (ESSI) chapters of both the European Geoscience Union (EGU) and the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and has been organizing OSGeo Townhall events at the annual EGU General Assembly since 2014.

He initiated the acquisition and preservation of OSGeo releated scientific film and conference recordings at the German National Library's of Science and Technology (TIB) TIB AV-Portal, including the GRASS 1987 video. The current (2017) annual acquisition rate is about 100 hours of OSGeo-related conference recordings.

During FOSS4G-Europe 2015 he participated in the launch of the OSGeo Open Geoscience Committee, which he is currently chairing (since August 2015) together with Maxi Cannata.

Since 2016 he's a member of the GRASS GIS steering committee.
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Peter Löwe

| ]] [[Info::Peter is a Geographer (ORCID).

In 2000 he became the first person to join the newly founded german GRASS User Society (renamed in 2008:

He actively advocates FOSSGIS in Science in the Earth and Space Informatics (ESSI) chapters of both the European Geoscience Union (EGU) and the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and has been organizing OSGeo Townhall events at the annual EGU General Assembly since 2014.

He initiated the acquisition and preservation of OSGeo releated scientific film and conference recordings at the German National Library's of Science and Technology (TIB) TIB AV-Portal, including the GRASS 1987 video. The current (2017) annual acquisition rate is about 100 hours of OSGeo-related conference recordings.

During FOSS4G-Europe 2015 he participated in the launch of the OSGeo Open Geoscience Committee, which he is currently chairing (since August 2015) together with Maxi Cannata.

Since 2016 he's a member of the GRASS GIS steering committee.| ]]

OSGeo Experience and Roles:

OSGeo User.png  OSGeo Committee.png  OSGeo Coder.png  OSGeo PSC.png  OSGeo Charter.png  OSGeo Chair.png  OSGeo Committer.png  

Peter Löwe

  • GRASS GIS PSC (2016- )
  • Open Geoscience Committee (Chair)
  • Member of German Chapter [1] since 2000. FOSSGIS Deputy Chairperson from 2008 - 2009
  • Member of GRASS GIS (Add-on Developer) [2]: g.infer, v.out.kml, r.mandelbrot, g.citation

Presentations, Multimedia and Reach Out

Data Animations (Youtube)

Recommended OSGeo-themend scientific videos (please reuse and cite by DOI link)

Favorite Video-Quotes

Reach Out Activities

  • European Geoscience Union General Assembly (EGU GA)
  • American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting
    • Full session of FOSS in Science (Convener): 2013, 2012
    • Representation of OSGeo within the Enabbling FAIR data project
    • 2018: Preparation of a MOU between AGU and OSGeo


  • Humboldt Universität Berlin: Research Data Management (2017)
  • Universität Potsdam: Geoinformation and Visualisation (2011 - 2012)
  • Universität Würzburg: Open Source GIS (2004 - 2005)

OSGeo Meeting Participation

  • FOSS4G:
    • 2017 (Baltimore) Towards OSGeo best practices for scientific software citation: Integration options for persistent identifiers in OSGeo project repositories (PresentationVideo)
    • 2016 (Bonn) OSGeo conference videos as a resource for scientific research: The TIB|AV Portal (Presentation / Video (English)),
    • 2014 (Portland)
    • 2010 (Barcelona),
    • 2008 (Cape Town) GRASS Development with Eclipse/CDT (Poster),
    • 2006 (Lausanne)
  • Assorted:
    • European Geosciences Union /Earth and Space Science Informatics
      • 2017: Community software projects for Open Science - Bridging the gap between EGU and OSGeo (Abstract)
      • 2016:Audiovisual heritage preservation in Earth and Space Science Informatics: Videos from Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) conferences in the TIB|AV-Portal (Abstract)
      • 2015: Globes from global data: Charting international research networks with the GRASS GIS r.out.polycones add-on module (Abstract)
      • 2015: Publishing Platform for Scientific Software – Lessons Learned (Poster)
      • 2015: Mining the Geophysical Research Abstracts Corpus: Mapping the impact of Free and Open Source Software on the EGU Divisions (Abstract)
      • 2014: Tectonic Storytelling with Open Source Tools (Presenation Abstract)
      • 2014: Data Science - History repeated ? (Presentation Abstract)
      • 2013: The new g.infer add-on for GRASS GIS (Poster)

    • 2011: WGUG Meeting (Wroclaw)
    • 2004: FOSS/GRASS Conference (Bangkok) (supported by the Eiselen Foundation
    • 2002: GRASS Users Conference (Trento) A spatial decision support system for radar meteorologic data in South Africa Video (English)


Email: ploewe AT osgeo DOT org
Spoken Language(s)
German (native speaker), English (fluent), Spanish (basic), Lisp, Python, Perl, Java, Bash
Profile last updated

Background Info

He initiated the acquisition and preservation of OSGeo releated scientific film and conference recordings at the German National Library's of Science and Technology (TIB) TIB AV-Portal, including the GRASS 1987 video. The current (2017) annual acquisition rate is about 100 hours of OSGeo-related conference recordings.

During FOSS4G-Europe 2015 he participated in the launch of the OSGeo Open Geoscience Committee, which he is currently chairing (since August 2015) together with Maxi Cannata.

Present position

DIW: Head of Research Infrastructure


  • Masters thesis knowledge-based reomte sensing classification: "Knowledge based classification of geographic spatial elements applied to a test site in southern Namibia", Geography Department, University of Würzburg, 1998.

Computer skills and related activities

  • Languages: Python, Perl, Lisp, R, C, Java, bash, SQL, COOL.
  • Software: GRASS GIS, Quantum GIS, Clips, POV-Ray, Blender, Google Earth, R, GMT
  • LSF-based High Performance Clusters

[|Conferences Overview] [| conferences sandbox]

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