Our purpose is to support and grow the open geospatial community in the Oceania region, including the oversight and stewardship of the FOSS4G SotM Oceania conference series.
The Oceania region includes countries listed in the United Nations Geoscheme for Oceania. We have also included Timor-Leste in our Travel Grant Program. We recognise the important cultural and social connections with other countries in the broader region, such as the Philippines.
We recognise the long-established Pacific Islands Chapter of OSGeo, and work closely with them to build a strong community across our region.
How to learn more & get involved
The best way to stay up to date on what we're doing is to join our mailing lists:
- oceania - discussion about the regional open geospatial community and OSGeo Oceania
- foss4g-oceania - FOSS4G SotM Oceania conference planning
- oceania-board - OSGeo Oceania board discussion (public, but read only)
- oceania-board-private - non-public OSGeo Oceania board discussion (private, board member access only)
There's also a lot of informal chatter on the Maptime Oceania Slack group: join here
And you can head to the conference website (link below) and join the conference updates mailing list there.
If you want to talk about how you can get involved, feel free to post on any of these lists, or drop us a line at admin@osgeo-oceania.org.
Membership of OSGeo Oceania is an opportunity to engage more actively with the support of open geospatial software & data in Oceania. Members can support OSGeo Oceania in a variety of ways:
- Helping to organise the annual FOSS4G SotM Oceania conference series
- Organising local geospatial events
- Editing in OpenStreetMap
- Active discussions in Oceania related mailing lists
- Writing developer documentation for open source geospatial projects
- Contributing to open source geospatial repositories
Becoming a member allows you to run for the board of OSGeo Oceania and/or vote in the election process.
Membership is free, and you can apply for membership at any time using this form
Applications are reviewed by a membership working group. Generally memberships are approved within a few weeks.
Member list here: Oceania Membership (only includes those who have agreed to be listed).
Documents & policies
Document | Date |
Constitution | 2019-11-07 |
OSGeo Oceania Terms of Reference | 2018-12-17 |
Budget 2020-2021 | 2020-06-30 |
Budget 2019-2020 | 2019-10-03 |
Membership Policy | 2020-03-25 |
Finance Committee Terms of Reference | 2019-10-03 |
Communications & Outreach Working Group Terms of Reference | 2020-03-16 |
Special Interest Group Guidelines | 2020-10-21 |
Board of Directors
OSGeo Oceania is governed and managed by a board of directors. The board delegates responsibilities to committees as needed. As per the constitution, directors are elected by the membership in annual elections. Details of process, current and historical election records can be found on Oceania_Elections.
The primary responsibilities of the board are to:
- govern and manage OSGeo Oceania, with regard to finance, risk, and sustainability of the organisation
- provide oversight of the conference committee, and ongoing stewardship of the conference series
- coordinate other related outreach activities, including local FOSS4G and State of the Map events
- maintain a relationship with OSGeo and the OpenStreetMap Foundation, and maintain OSGeo & OSMF chapters in good standing
- hold accounts, domain names, and other administrative tools, data, and assets as needed
- enter into agreements with other parties as needed.
The incoming board will articulate its objectives for 2020 early in the year. Board meetings will be held on the second Friday of each month at 11am AEDT (unless otherwise arranged).
- Alex Leith (Chair and Treasurer)
- Trisha Moriarty (Deputy Chair)
- Greg Lauer (Secretary)
- Adam Steer
- Daniel Silk (resigned 24 Nov 2020)
- Dionne Hansen
- Emma Hain
- Martin Tomko
- John Bryant (was Chair; resigned 29 May 2020)
As per this thread, Adam, Alex, John, Martin, and Trisha have a 1 year term and their seats will be open at the next election. All other directors have a standard 2 year term.
Meeting minutes
- 2020-01-09
- 2020-02-14
- 2020-03-13
- 2020-05-15
- 2020-06-12
- 2020-06-26
- 2020-07-24
- 2020-08-14
- 2020-09-15
- 2020-10-30
- 2020-11-27
Motions of the board are recorded in Loomio here.
In order to guide the organisation towards a mature state, in 2019 this board will aim to:
- determine a process for recruiting and managing an appropriate general membership
- determine a process for renewal of board membership, including accountability to the general membership, and clarify such items as term limits and staggering of terms
- determine a process for inviting expressions of interest and selecting groups wishing to host the annual FOSS4G SotM Oceania event
- determine and formalise an appropriate non-profit structure
- submit an official expression of interest to the OSGeo board to form an OSGeo local chapter
- apply to the OpenStreetMap Foundation board to form an OpenStreetMap local chapter
- Alex Leith - OSGeo Oceania Treasurer - OSGeo Charter Member
- Daniel Silk
- Edoardo Neerhut
- Greg Lauer - OSGeo Oceania Secretary
- John Bryant - OSGeo Oceania President - OSGeo Charter Member
- Jonah Sullivan
- Kerry Smyth
- Martin Tomko
- Trisha Moriarty
Meeting minutes
Committees & working groups
- Membership working group (Edoardo Neerhut (chair), Emma Hain, David Garcia, Daniel Silk)
- Finance committee (Alex Leith (chair), Greg Lauer, Trisha Moriarty, Dionne Hansen)
- 2020 conference committee (Vasiti Soko (co-chair), Jonah Sullivan (co-chair), Nick Rollings, Edwin Liava'a, Elizabeth Lomani, Dan Lomata, Julie Callebaut, Joeli Varo, Nemaia Koto, Saleshni Naidu, Salote Baleisuva, John Bryant, David Garcia, Dionne Hansen, Emma Hain, Aleen Prasad, Alex Leith, Greg Lauer, Gander Wainiqol, Keleni, Lani Roko, Litia Gaunavou)
- Travel grant program working group (John Bryant (chair), Greg Lauer, Elizabeth Lomani, Wolf Forstreuter, Edwin Liava'a, Gander Wainiqolo, Elisa Puccioni, Violaine Doutreleau)
- Outreach and communications working group (Adam Steer (chair), Trisha Moriarty, Emma Hain, Martin Tomko, Dionne Hansen, Celina Agaton, Emily Hurry, Hamish Campbell, Joeli Varo, Paul Worwor)
- OpenStreetMap Working Group: Chair TBD. Interested parties are currently: Edoardo Neerhut, Andrew Harvey, Luke Stewart, Jonah Sullivan, Martin Tomko, David Brown, Angus Scown, Violaine Doutreleau, James Nuccio, Carrol Chan, Kamsin Raju, Greg Lauer, Kasaqa Tora, Edwin Liavaa, Malcolm Archbold, Julie Callebaut, David Garcia. Minutes from the inaugural meeting can be found here.
OpenStreetMap Oceania
OSGeo Oceania has been recognised by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF) as the official local chapter in the region. The paperwork still needs to be signed, but the main formalities have been completed.
As the official local chapter of the OpenStreetMap Foundation in the region, we will be able to support the development of OpenStreetMap community in Oceania while making sure our diverse range of interests are represented, supported, and promoted. A working group has been established under OSGeo Oceania to focus specifically on OpenStreetMap and our role as a local chapter. The working group is still determining its long term priorities, so feel free to contribute to the discussion here.
Anyone within Oceania is welcome to join the working group and attend working group meetings.
Note, while OSGeo Oceania is currently the recognised local chapter in the region, we are fully supportive of other groups that may form in Oceania with the intent of becoming a local chapter. One example would be a national entity that determines their interests would better represented as an independent local chapter. If this was to occur, OSGeo Oceania would be fully supportive and will not claim to speak for groups who do not wish to be represented.
See the Aust-NZ wiki page for an earlier incarnation of this community. OSGeo Oceania picks up where Aust-NZ left off, and aims to build on that foundation.
Some notable open geospatial events in the region:
- 12-15 November 2019: FOSS4G SotM Oceania, Wellington [1]
- 20-23 November 2018: FOSS4G SotM Oceania, Melbourne [2]
- 17 November 2017: Australian QGIS user group meetup, Sydney [3]
- May 2017: QGIS Noosa Hackfest [4]
- 1 March 2017: NZ QGIS User Forum, Wellington [5]
- 23 September 2015: NZ QGIS User Conference, Wellington [6]
- 22 September 2015: NZ GeoNetwork Users Meetup, Wellington
- 12 May 2015: QGIS Forum, Perth
- 14 May 2015: QGIS Forum, Melbourne[7]
- 18 April 2013: Melbourne QGIS User Conference [8][9]
- 14 March 2013: Perth QGIS User Forum/Group [10]
- 15-16 November 2012: FOSS4G-AU 'unconference', Brisbane [11][12][13]
- 20-23 October 2009: FOSS4G international conference, Sydney [14]
Also see the Pacific Islands Chapter page for history of events and developments in the Pacific Islands.