Board Meeting 2020-12-28
This board meeting is scheduled Monday 28 December 2020 at 16:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.
Current items
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Meeting Chair: Till
- Scribe: Till /
- Review and approve past minutes
- Welcome new Board members [1]
- MobilityDB has applied to join the osgeo community project program. Incubation community reviewed/accepted application on Dec 7th [2].
- HOTOSM Board 2 Board meeting planning [3]
- OSGeo Educational Challenge - see email for details
- 2021 Budget planning [4]
- Community Survey:
- Please help to find questions
- OffboardingChecklist
- idea to create an
- Review action items
- please add items
- Presiding: Till
- Scribing: Till/Angelos
- Attending: Michele, Codrina, Astrid, Angelos, Tom, Helena, Vicky, Till
1.) Welcome Michele Welcome Round to Michele Go through Onboarding list with Michele and organize all the access
2.) Roll Call
Michele, Codrina, Astrid, Angelos, Tom, Helena, Vicky, Till, 8 out of 9, so we have quorum.
3.) Onboarding of Michele
done (s.a.)
4.) Approve MobilityDB
MobilityDB has applied to join the osgeo community project program. Incubation community reviewed/accepted application on Dec 7th [2].
Already accepted by incubation comittee MOT: Accept MobilityDB -> Angelos to put a motion on loomio
5.) HOTOSM Board 2 Board meeting planning
Miriam sent a n email on Conf-List and want to connect with OSGeo First have a meeting and introduce OSGeo and hear, what HOTOSM does. Then perhaps have a MOU with HOTOSM
We decided, that Codrina will be the point of contact to HOTOSM.
Task: Propose dates for a first meeting with HOTOSM TODO: Codrina to schedule a meeting
6.) OSGeo Educational Challenge - see email for details
The organizers ask for money for the challenge, postproned to the general budget planning (see 7.))
7.) 2021 Budget planning
Angelos added a link to the 2021 spread sheet as draft (based on the 2020 sheet).
We need a date for this meeting (e.g. 2hrs): 18th of January 16hrs-19hrs UTC TODO Angelos: Draft email to the community and ask for the budget of projects/communities and send ot to the board for approvement TODO: Michael to update the spredsheet with the actual numbers.
8.) Community Survey
Astrid asks for collaboration on the survey. Planned for February/March. Board agrees to go ahead with that.