Journal Volume 4

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Revision as of 03:00, 22 January 2008 by Wiki-Huwer (talk | contribs) (Website adress update, info about 2008 project events added)
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This is the planning and work page for the OSGeo Journal - Volume 4 publication.

If you want to contribute an article, add it to this list in the appropriate category.

Please review the Journal License and Guidelines page before adding your article to either article list.


  • Articles welcome: Now
  • Articles requiring peer review, Submission Ends: ???
  • Article Submission Ends: ???
  • First Draft: ???
  • Final Publication: ???

Contributors / Topics

See Journal for definition of the following categories. Add yourself if you are interested. Note that all categories don't have to be filled, so this serves as a rough outline for the types of content we generally hope to have.


  1. Tyler Mitchell: General updates


  1. Editor: Jason Fournier
  2. Additional contributors welcome...

A trans-national cascade training programme on Open Source GIS&RS Software for environmental applications - the CASCADOSS project

Over the last few years the concept “open source” has gained currency within the geospatial community. However, although the geospatial community has already made huge strides towards OSS that can truly compete with proprietary software, many geospatial end-users still shy away from using OSS due to the lack of formal support and a fear of new technology. As such, a considerable degree of potential innovative geospatial projects based on OSS is left unexploited.

The goal of this project is to encourage geospatial end-users, especially those users related to the use of GMES services, in using OSS by setting up a Trans-national cascade training programme on Open Source GIS&RS software with an emphasis on environmental applications. The cascade training programme aims at training, on international level, small groups of 'high-end' geospatial users (e.g.high level GIS and/or RS and/or IT experts) who will be expected to transfer, on national or regional level, the knowledge and abilities they have learned to 'low-end' geospatial users (e.g. Scientists, public administrators,..). Open source GIS&RS software can play a key role in making a truly European Spatial Data Infrastructure.

Principal target groups for the cascade training programme are geospatial end-users from Central and Eastern European Member States. The adoption of geospatial OSS in those countries is a topic of particular interest while this will reduce licensing costs and will promote indigenous technological development. This means that money in those countries can go exclusively towards developing skills instead of paying license fees that tie customers to a single vendor. This also allows more culturally sensitive solutions as they are developed by people in the country, attuned to their real needs.

To ensure continuous dissemination of the project results, also after project's end, CASCADOSS will develop a web-based geospatial OSS portal containing a repository of Open Source GIS&RS best practices, technical documentation, tutorials, and learning materials (incl. data). This portal could be complemented with a discussion forum for professional developers and users of the open source GIS & RS technology.

To achieve these objectives we have assembled a group of like-minded experts with the explicit goal to advance the open source GIS & RS software technology within the geospatial community, especially within the GMES society. The partners on the project include experts with strong background in GIS and Remote sensing, in Open Source technology, in training, in environmental applications or in law.

This year CASCADOSS plans its two major events: International Symposium, followed with the International Workshop, to be held respectively on June 16th, 2008 and June 17th-19th, 2008 in Warsaw. More details to be found on CASCADOSS home page under the "events" section.

Event Reports (2-3 articles)

  1. ...

Project Introductions (1-2 articles)

  1. Jason Jorgenson LandUse Analyst This project aims to define a settlement's use of, and impact on, their surrounding landscape.

Case Studies (2-3 articles)

  1. Peter Löwe: Wanderlust 2.0: The state and future of hiking trail management in Germany with FOSS GIS
  2. Peter Wilkins: An Image Request application using FOSS4G tools
  3. Chris West, Mark Gillis, Brian Low, and Alex Song., Using Open Source to Analyze Canada's National Forest Inventory

Integration Studies (2-3 articles)

  1. Aaron Peeke-Vout and Brian Low,, Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)-In-A-Box, a Footprint to Deliver Geospatial Data through Open Source Applications.
  2. ...

Topical Studies (1-2 articles)

  1. Markus Neteler: Open Source Quality Assessment System: The GRASS Case (aboutGRASS-QA)

Programming Tutorials (1-2 articles)

  1. ...


  1. ...

Developer Announcements

  1. OSGeo project summaries
  2. OSGeo Local Chapter updates
  3. deegree3: the shape of things to come. (Markus Lupp)
  4. ...