AAG 2008

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Association of American Geographers annual conference.

2008 Conference

Boston, April 14-19th

There will be several talks on OSGeo topics:

Date/Time Place Speaker Topic(Link)
4/15 4:20 Hyannis Room, Marriott (4th Floor) Michael Nicholas Survey of the Importance of Interregional Availability for Alternative Fuels
4/16 10:10 Staffordshire, Weston (3rd Floor) Helena Mitasova Geospatial analysis of terrain dynamics using lidar technologies and Open source GIS
4/17 8:00 Vineyard Room, Marriott (4th Floor) Michele Tobias Beachscapes: The Spatial Effects of Foot-Traffic on Beach Vegetation
4/17 3:10 Empire Room #6, Westin (7th Floor) John Morgan OpenLayers: An Open Source Web Mapping Application
4/18 8:00 Beacon F, Sheraton (3rd Floor) Rob Braswell Open Geoscience: Using Free and Open Source Software for Research and Education
4/19 4:30 Beacon H , Sheraton (3rd Floor) Alex Mandel Open Source GIS course development through directed group study

OSGeo Social

The Boston User Group has been discussing details of a social to be held one night of the conference.

Time: Thur, Apr 17th, 7:45PM

Place: Grendel's Den, Harvard Square, Cambridge

Who: Anyone interested in Open Source Geo

Why: To get together to chat socially about stuff over some beer and bar food.


Get to Harvard Square. Head south on JFK street past "The Garage" on your left. You will cross Mt. Auburn St. On the Southwest corner is a small open green space: on the opposite corner from JFK is the entrance to Grendel's, below Upstairs on the Square.

Chris Schmidt will be there, hopefully by 7:30, with an eeepc and an OSgeo shirt on.

Map: http://tinyurl.com/uof38