OSGeo education interested participants
See the Education_and_Curriculum_Committee page for the list of initial committee members.
Contributors by Interest
The following are individuals who have self-identified themselves as interested in contributing or assisting with Education_and_Curriculum_Committee projects. You are welcome to add yourself to the list and identify areas that you are particular familiar with or interested in contributing to.
- Puneet Kishor (chair) (TZ GMT-6)
- Ari Jolma (TZ GMT-2)
- Markus Neteler (TZ GMT-1) (general training/education materials; educational datasets)
- Venkatesh Raghavan
- Charlie Schweik (undergraduate and graduate level education; academic research on open source collaboration, public sector information technology, natural resource management)
- Pericles Nacionales (general training/education materials; conservation and natural resource management)
- Ned Horning
- Tyler Mitchell (TZ GMT-8) (interested in workshop material and curriculum development for high school through to university)
- Gary Watry (TZ GMT-5)(Interested in using Free Open Source Software (FOSS) to replace teaching Commercial Off The Shelf Software (COTS)in education, Preparing material for course work at the Graduate and Under-Grad level and then moving down into the High School level through AP and Honors courses.)
- User:Arnulf Christl (TZ GMT-1) (Experience as GIS instructor for fulltime workshops, trainings and courses. Organization of commercial training courses with Open Source Geospatial Software. Preparation of course and presentation material, tutorials). (Interest in enhancing presentation material, publishing under Free license, in time hardcopy production, maintenance and update of content just as any OS dev project)
- Shaun Walbridge (TZ GMT-8) (academic research on open source collaboration; general training/education materials; educational datasets)
- Matthew Perry (TZ GMT-8) (workshops/lab materials for university students, NGOs - open source software to demonstrate all fundamental aspects of GIS theory, 'official' training courses and certification)
Contributors by Time Zones
This should help in planning meetings. If you are not here yet, please add your info, or let me know and I will do so. Going from East to West, we have --
- TZ GMT-1
- Arnulf Christl
- Markus Neteler
- TZ GMT-2
- Ari Jolma
- TZ GMT-5
- Gary Watry
- TZ GMT-6
- Puneet Kishor
- Pericles Nacionales
- TZ GMT-8
- Tyler Mitchell
- Shaun Walbridge