USGS Open House 2009

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USGS Open House

Event Owner
Brian Hamlin (darkblue_b)
May 16-17, 2009
Menlo Park, Ca
Annual USGS Open House

ASPRS rep Becky Morton invited Cal OSGeo to run some demos at the USGS open house.

I just spoke with Alan Mikuni, USGS and past-president of ASPRS.. there may not be any network connection at all (!) though he is checking into possibilities. Setup day is Friday all day. 20250314012955


  • Possible screencast on OpenModeller - timlinux
  • OGR, PostGIS and KML - darkblue_b
  • OpenJump - Landon
  • QGIS/Grass/Spatialite - Alex

I'd definitely like to make sure OpenLayers and QGis are represented well.. I feel like I would be a better rep for OpenLayers myself. Also thinking of an idea for "big picture" on OSGeo using the Wiki, and the mailing lists activity levels -Brian


  • Mac Book Pro laptop 10.5, with Ubuntu Virtual Machine
  • Live DVD dedicated machine - Alex
  • Ubuntu 8.10 QGIS, Grass, Postgis, maybe a locally running Openlayers example - Alex

