Revision as of 00:59, 6 May 2011 by Wiki-Sverre (talk | contribs) (→Convert fron ArcIMS axl-files to Mapserver map-files)
Convert fron ArcIMS axl-files to Mapserver map-files
Norges geologiske undersøkelse (NGU) faser nå ut ArcIMS. ArcIMS-tjenestene skal i hovedsak over til Mapserver. Vi har et stort antall tjenester og fant det nødvendig å lage et XSLT-script som konverterer fra .axl-konfigurasjonen (ArcIMS) til .map-konfigurasjonen (Mapserver).
Geological Survey (NGU) phases out ArcIMS. ArcIMS services will mainly be ported to the Mapserver. We have a large number of services and found it necessary to create an XSLT script which converts from the .axl configuration (ArcIMS) to the .map configuration (Mapserver).
Kjøring / execution:
- java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN foo.axl -XSL axl2mapNGU.xsl -OUT
- Add in axl-file right after first line - open file in Web browser: <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" encoding="iso-8859-1" href="axl2mapNGU.xslt"?>
Known issues:
- Support renderer types that are mostly used by the NGU. Should be easy to add renderer types with the <xsl:template match="...">
- GROUPRENDERER with multple elements will result in multiple CLASS sections with identical names. Edit and integrate into unique classes manually.
- SCALEDEPENDENTRENDERER is not supported. Create a separate layer for this with its own scale range.
- The type attribute in axl renderers are mapped to a SYMBOL reference i the map-file like: SYMBOL "star" or SYMBOL "dot". Additional symbols must be defined for this.
- The character attribute in TRUETYPEMARKERSYMBOL are mapped to a SYMBOL reference i the map-file like: SYMBOL "135". Additional symbols must be defined for this.
Kontakt og relaterte dokumenter - Contact and Related documents
- Sverre Iversen,NGU. e-mail:sverre.iversen(a)
- axl2mapNGU.xslt