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== China Chapter of OSGEO ==
== 1 About China OSGEO ==
Open Source Geospatial software (i.e. GRASS, GDAL, MapGuide and Mapserver) has become quite competitive with proprietary GIS in recent years. OSGEO is such a global non-profit organization dedicating to global collaboration on supporting, building and promoting highest-quality open source geospatial software.
The China Chapter of OSGEO is formed by Chinese Active Users of Open Source Geospatial Software, hosted by National Remote Sensing Center of China, and co-sponsored by Autodesk Software (China) Co. Ltd. China OSGEO cooperates closely with OSGEO Board aiming at promoting the use and development of OSGEO projects in China. It tries to serve anyone interested in Open Source GIS and related issues, and to cover all the activities associated with Open Source GIS in China.
1.1 Mission
China OSGEO carries out numerous tasks addressed by OSGEO Foundation through its three committees – Supervise Committee, Executive Committee and Technical Committee.
(1)Supervise Committee: Officially representing China OSGEO to liaise with OSGEO Board, OSGEO Branches, Chinese Government Departments, or Academic Groups etc. Taking responsibility for the strategies in planning and developing China OSGEO, and networking with organizations to enlist participation and support for OSGEO. Committing financial accounting of running China OSGEO, i.e. budget application, financing donation. (2)Executive Committee: Creating and managing China OSGEO official website (, for example, daily updating, meeting announcement, workshops and training, FAQ, mailing lists and wiki. Taking care of China Directory Listing and providing the members with networking opportunities for support and job opportunities. Increasing awareness about open source GIS solutions and promoting adoption in education, research, industry, government, and non-profit organizations though local technical supports. Encouraging local people to contribute to OSGEO projects or to release their outcomes as open source software with financial or practical assistance. (3)Technical Committee: Software Internationalization and Localization Development of prototype applications to demonstrate Open Source geospatial capabilities to local and regional audiences Software Packaging and Customization for local and regional needs Training, Support and Development of e-Learning Contents in local languages Supporting open standards and open access to geospatial data
China OSGEO may not be limited to the above tasks, but all the activities should not be contrary or detrimental to the Mission and Objectives of OSGEO.
1.2 Objectives
Quarterly Committee Membership Meetings: Committee work reviewing Question and Discussion Proposal or planning Collaborative Projects: Localization of OSGeo projects - MapGuide, GRASS, GDAL etc. Development of demo prototype illustrating how to use open source gis software Software documentation translation (from English to Chinese or verse visa) Development of e-Learning Content in Chinese Software re-packaging and customization for Chinese platform Free geospatial dataset downloading Regional Events: Annual conference Workshops and Training Special Lectures Demonstrations Communication: Networking Local Communities related to geo-issues Mailing Lists Wiki
== 2 Initial Membership ==
China Chapter Representative - Prof. Rongguo Chen Prof. Rongguo Chen, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research. Prof. Jiahong Li, National Remote Sensing Center of China. Prof. Chenghu Zhou, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research. Assoc. Prof. Xianfeng Song, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Mr. Kevin Zhu, Infrastructure Solution Division, Autodesk Software Inc. Mr. Jian Sun, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research. Mr. Pengwan Xia, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research.
== 3 Site Layout ==
China Chapter Portal: Information of Interest to Local Users, for examples, Meetings, Events, Chapter, Call for Papers, e-Learning, Tutorial, Reports, and Free Open Source Geographical Dataset.
Mailing Lists or Archives for Chinese Users: Desktop GIS - QGIS, OpenEV GIS workstation - GRASS, GDAL/OGR, OSSIM, geotools Geo-statistics - GNU R Web mapping servers – MapGuide Open Source, Mapserver, GeoServer Web map clients - MapBuilder Metadata servers - Isite Spatial Data Engine – PostGIS, myGIS C/S Database – PostgreSQL, mySQL, SQLite Note: Enabled step by step when enlisting our professional participants
China Directory Listing: Companies, People, Universities, Research Institutes, Organizations, Government Departments etc. involved with or using OSGEO Projects.
China OSGEO Media Coverage: Links or snippets of media featuring activities of China OSGEO from various sources.
== 4 Links == China OSGEO - China OSGEO Mailinglist - NRSCC - Autodesk (China) - IGSNRR - GUCAS - GDAL - http:// GeoTools - GRASS -]] Mapbender - MapBuilder - MapGuide - Mapserver - OSSIM -