Boston Sprint 2013 Agenda
Meeting times and locations can be found: Boston Code Sprint 2013
PostGIS / pgRouting
General Stuff
- When are we going to release 2.1. Steps remaining before we can
- SpGist -- when is that going to happen will make cut for 2.1 or push to 2.2
- How best to integrate Oslandia 3D work, concerns etc.
- Google SoC 2013
- Regression suites (performance, valgrind?)
Geocoding specific stuff
- Integrating Steve Woodbridge - address normalizer into PostGIS
- Packaging as part of windows builds at very least
- Packaging pgRouting for windows to be availabe in stack builder along side PostGIS
- Discussion of how pgRouting / PostGIS can better work together and melding the two projects
- Side note both Oslandia 3D work and pgRouting both use CGAL, possible opportunity/concern there ?
- I am looking into the possibility of drop CGAL and GAUL dependency to simplify builds
- pgRouting 2.0 release (working on building that plan now)
- Raster seems in darn good shape for 2.1 so least worried about raster. Great job :)
- Rework of MapAlgebra for 2.1 or push to 2.2
- Performance of expression-based mapalgebra
- Performance of ST_Clip
- GDAL raster driver - good support for overviews, irregularly tiled coverage. Some nice todo improvements:
- Add write support
- Rewrite tests (gdal_autotest)
- More tests with Mapserver
- Tests with QGIS plugin
- Deal with really BIG raster data in IRasterIO (recursion? split in several calls?)
- Take default user, host, password
- Review SQL strings (avoid SQL injection)
- Take care of locale (I needed to export LC_ALL=C to make it work with QGIS)
- Allow user to specify resolution strategy when dealing with different pixel size sources (maybe an option in connection string)
- QGIS - good support for large coverage (overviews, irregularly tiled coverage), import export. What need to be enhanced?
- ST_CreateOverview()
- Test performance of ST_Union() when number of pixel increase
- Define another (faster?) way to rasterize a vector coverage with ST_MakeEmptyTiledCovererage(), ST_BurnToRaster(geometry, raster) & ST_UnionToRaster()
- Discuss a more flexible way to rasterize a vector coverage
- Raster using pthreads in the future?
- Rewrite parts of raster2pgsql
- pgsql2raster prototype?
- Discuss "PostGIS Extra PL/pgSQL Function Set"
- Discuss interpolation - from some point, from millions of points
- Test regular blocking constraint
- Discuss viewshed
- Discuss integration of raster2pgsql into the GUI