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Peter Baumann
Professor of Computer Science, Jacobs University Founder and CEO, rasdaman GmbH
Location: Bremen, Germany
Peter Baumann is Professor of Computer Science at Jacobs University where he is leading the Large-Scale Scientific Information Systems research group. His main areas of interest are large-scale multi-dimensional array databases, generally on "Big Data in Science". His group develops and maintains the rasdaman Big Data Analytics engine which is in OSGeo incubation. The spinoff, rasdaman GmbH, he has founded specifically to add industry support for the rasdaman technology next to the academic research part.
- Principal Architect of rasdaman
- co-editor: ISO 9075 SQL Part 15: MDA (Multi-Dimensional Arrays) candidate standard
- chair: OGC Web Coverage Service Standards Working Group (WCS.SWG), Coverages Domain Working Group (Coverages.DWG), Big Data Working Group (BigData.DWG)
- editor: of most of the OGC coverage standards, candidate standards, and Best Practices, among them: GMLCOV, the OGC Unified Coverage Data Model, Web Coverage (WCS) suite, Web Coverage Processing Service (WCPS) coverage query language
- external expert for Data Specification and Download Services on coverages, EU INSPIRE
- co-chair: Research Data Alliance Big Data Analytics Interest Group, Geospatial Interest Group
- delegate, DIN NIA (German representative in ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 / WG3: SQL)
- council member, Commission for the Management and Application of Geoscience Information (CGI) of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS)
- founding member and secretary, CODATA Germany
- member, advisory board, GDI-HB (state geo data infrastructure for Bremen)
- expert,ODBMS (Object Database Management Systems) expert panel
- Contact
- Email: user name baumann followed by @ followed by rasdaman . com
- Skype: pefrabau
- Spoken Language(s)
- German, English, Spanish
- Profile last updated
- 20 July 2013