This page has some summary statistics about us. Web
- 2013
- February: 28,793 unique vistors in the month
- January: 30,487 unique vistors in the month
- May 2006 (3rd month since launch) - from Daniel's mail
- registered users: 1223
- 192K hits
- 10K unique visitors
- OSGeo's main website ( has access stats available here.
Mailing list subscribers
(lists were migrated from CN to Mailman 1/2007)
# command sudo list_members --nomail=enabled <listname> | wc -l
Source: M Neteler's monthly cronjob:
- OSGeo mailman server unique subscribers 2014_05_01: 24046
- OSGeo mailman server unique subscribers 2014_02_01: 23326
- OSGeo mailman server unique subscribers 2013_05_01: 21995
- OSGeo mailman server unique subscribers 2013_04_01: n/a
- OSGeo mailman server unique subscribers 2013_03_01: n/a
- OSGeo mailman server unique subscribers 2013-02-01: n/a
- OSGeo mailman server unique subscribers 2012-08-01: 19160
- OSGeo mailman server unique subscribers 2012-01-01: 18314
- OSGeo mailman server unique subscribers 2011-08-01: 17598
- OSGeo mailman server unique subscribers 2011-01-01: 15450
- OSGeo mailman server unique subscribers 2010-08-01: 14056
- OSGeo mailman server unique subscribers 2010-01-01: 12426
- OSGeo mailman server unique subscribers 2009-08-01: 11531
- OSGeo mailman server unique subscribers 2009-05-18: 10044
- May 2, 2009:
- Total number of enabled subscribers in all OSGeo hosted lists: 15941
- Unique number of enabled subscribers in all OSGeo hosted lists: 9791
- Note that these metrics only include OSGeo lists, there are a number of lists maintained on other servers.
- Source Metrics collated in a spreadsheet at:
- May 2, 2009: announce: 871, discuss: 866
- Dec 1, 2008: announce: 761, discuss: 814
- Jan 26, 2007: announce: 579, discuss: 402
from Special:Statistics
- 6 March 2013: 2,741 pages, 12,609 users, 17.5M views
- 4 February 2013: 2,720 pages, 12,550 users, 17M views
- 4 June 2008: 2360 pages, 5513 users, 2.7M views
- Jan 27, 2007: 349 active pages, 569 registered users, 646K page views
- Oct 24, 2006: 272 active pages, 383 registered users, 323K page views
- June 11, 2006: 141 active pages, 201 registered users, 104K page views
Google Hits for "osgeo"
as per [Google Query]
- 04 Feb 06: 0
- 10 Mar 06: 17,500
- 13 Mar 06: 37,000
- 16 Mar 06: 56,200
- 18 Apr 06: 107,000
- 25 Apr 06: 113,000
- 05 May 06: 115,000
- 15 May 06: 109,000
- 05 Jun 06: 96,700
- 11 Jun 06: 101,000
- 21 Jun 06: 103,000
- 11 Jul 06: 99,700
- 19 Jul 06: 110,000
- 29 Aug 06: 127,000
- 09 Sep 06: 137,000
- 11 Sep 06: 150,000
- 26 Sep 06: 156,000
- 23 Oct 06: 177,000
- 01 Nov 06: 230,000
- 22 Nov 06: 209,000
- 12 Jan 07: 214,000
- 26 Jan 07: 360,000
- 24 Feb 07: 352,000
- 16 Apr 07: 395,000
- 19 Jul 07: 486,000
- 16 Aug 07: 440,000
- 24 Sep 07: 760,000
- 24 Mar 08: 318,000
- 04 Jun 08: 538,000
- 17 Nov 08: 636,000
- 03 May 09: 616,000
- 04 Feb 13: 1,350,000
- 06 Mar 13: 1,370,000
Alexa Stats
Traffic rank (smaller is better):
- 24 Mar 08: 208,609
- 04 Jun 08: 159,273
- 17 Nov 08: 121,594
- 03 May 09: 117,381
- 04 Feb 13: 82,198
- 06 Mar 13: 74,176
Wikipedia EN OSGeo Article stats
In the last 90 days:
- (for monthly stats use the pulldown menu from that link)
See also: Project_Stats which aims to capture some project specific stats.