FOSS4G-Europe 2014 Code Sprint

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Revision as of 12:24, 8 July 2014 by Wiki-Jachym (talk | contribs)
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Code Sprint

A code sprint is about getting a group together to work on Open Source software, sitting around a table and sharing ideas. It's not just about writing code, as you know a project has many needs including documentation, testing, and providing feedback. What a better way to give feedback and give back to the project that you love than to spend a day with the project's developers. There are roles needed to be filled, no matter what your expertise.

With such a short timeframe (one day) you should probably use this page to set a specific goal for your project. But don't worry, if all you get done is actually sitting at the same table with the project's developers and talking about the next release, that is also great :)

Where & When

The day after the main conference (Friday 18th July) has been set aside for the Code Sprint. There is also a plan to provide facilities throughout the event in the main venue.

Conrete place will be specified later

What to Bring

Computer if you have one, yourself.

How to get there




Additional Interested People

The following people are potentially interested in participating in sprinting activities though have not yet established a Workgroup.

  • Your name: project(s)


To participate, copy a project skeleton and start a section below for your project.



  • user
  • user


  • your goals


  • what is the expected registration fee, if any, for each attendee? 0,- Eur
  • what is the expected amount of third-party sponsorships? 0,- Eur
  • what in-kind donations are expected (such as donated use of a conference room)? Jacobs University will provide the event with venue
  • what is the desired amount of OSGeo sponsorship? TBD
  • what is the expected cost per attendee, for travel, lodging, and food? Attendees will taking part at FOSS4G-Europe, so no extra travel and lodging costs are expected.
  • what is the expected cost for the venue (such as conference room, wifi support, snacks, etc)? Venue is donated by Jacobs University