Board Meeting 2015-11-12

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This board meeting is scheduled for the 12th of November 2015 at 14.00 UTC through IRC and follow up voting by email.


Current items


As time permits:

  • GeoServer Janurary code sprint
  • Quick GeoTools update
  • clarify Geo4all position within OSGeo: 1) Vote to move the related document to OSGeo wiki; 2) Approve to take up discussions with the Geo4All Advisory Board based on the draft.
  • information about the potential UCGIS MOU, distribution of the draft document proposed by UCGIS


  • Attending: Anita, Mike, Sanghee, Jeff, Helena, Maxi, Jody, Vasile, Venka
  • Presiding: Jeff
  • Scribing: Jeff

Assigned Tasks

Motions (confirmed by email)

See email thread on the Board list.

Motion +1 0 -1 Abstain Passed? Notes
Approve past meeting's minutes 9 0 0 0 Yes
Release full amount requested by OpenLayers PSC 9 0 0 0 Yes
Approve Bonn as the host city for FOSS4G 2016 9 0 0 0 Yes
Accept istSOS into incubation 8 1 (Maxi +0) 0 0 Yes Maxi is part of the istSOS team
Accept pycsw as a graduated OSGeo project 9 0 0 0 Yes
Support a letter to OGC on schemas distribution 8 1 (Bart +0) 0 0 Yes

Full, raw minutes notes

  • 13:59 Meeting starts
  • 14:03 MOTION: Approve past meeting minutes, 8 votes in favour, passed
  • 14:05 Treasurer report from Mike Smith
    • Used OSGeo credit card for purchasing travel for some board members for the January F2F meeting
    • Now has online access to OSGeo credit card
    • OSGeo credit card will be brought to the January F2F meeting
    • please contact Mike regarding travel reimbursement for F2F right away
    • no progress on contacting sponsors
    • Sanghee to contact Mike for sending OSGeo seed money + FOSS4G surplus to OSGeo
  • 14:07 Updates on F2F Meeting in January -all
    • anita still to plan her trip
    • mike's,
  • 15:22 FOSS4G 2016 Update from Jeff
    • The conference committee has voted for Bonn, Germany for 2016
    • Discussion about the chance to have more information about voting results, not just the number of members voted and the winner
    • MOTION to approve Bonn as the host city for FOSS4G 2016, 7 in favour, passed
    • Discussion about the liason role for 2016. Jeff is willing to also do the job for 2016, some board members want to discuss more on this.
    • Gerald raises a motion to have Jeff as the liason but not all members feel prepared to vote and want more discussion.
  • 15:42 Incubation status update from Jody Garnett
    • MOTION: Accept istSOS into incubation, 7 in favour, Maxi abstains, passed
    • MOTION: Accept pycsw as a graduated OSGeo project, 8 in favour, passed
    • Angelos will be appointed as project VP
    • Officers page will have to be updated (task)
    • Jody asks the Board to officially contact OGC to unlock the OGC schemas distribution problem
    • OGC is already acknowledged of this, but a formal request would help
    • A letter will be drafted at OGC XML Schemas and FOSS4G Software Distribution by Jeff (task)
    • MOTION: Support a letter to OGC on schemas distribution policy, 7 in favour, passed
  • 15:53 ICA OSGeo ISPRS Student awards
    • Discussion about the motion that wasn't passed on the allocation of funds for the awards
    • More feedback from Suschith is needed, Maxi will contact him, so the motion has to wait
    • Some discussion about the affiliation of GeoForAll.
  • 15:59 Codehaus shut down from Jody
    • CodeHaus is shutting down so a number of OSGeo projects and close friends are having trouble on finding a new home for their hosting needs (tickets mainly apparently)
    • Board members express their full support to help them
    • Jody will keep the board updated on how this process goes
  • 16:06 Quick note from Anne about OSGeo being accepted for GSoC 2015
  • 16:10 Next meeting time: 2015/04/09 + 15:00UTC Board Meeting 2015-04-09