OSGeo Portal Translations

From OSGeo
Revision as of 00:32, 29 January 2007 by Tmitchell (talk | contribs) (→‎Adding a Translated Page: added log-in link)
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This page describes how to add new language translations to the osgeo.org website. These abilities are made possible by the Drupal localizer module.

User / Roles

A Role in Drupal is similar to a group of users in other systems - a user belongs to one of more roles that provide access to certain functionality, abilities or privileges. A special role called translator has been created for use by contributors who would like to translate content on the site. Once the role is assigned to a user they can modify the translations of any page. Here is how it is done:

  1. Create a new user using this form - you must have administrative access to do this. Please talk to the Web Committee to get this access.
  2. After creation of user is complete you must edit the user profile. Find the appropriate one on the admin/user page and press 'edit' under the 'operations' column.
  3. Find the section that lists available roles - check the box next to 'translator' and then press 'submit' button at bottom of page.
  4. The user should now be able to log in and create some new content.

Adding a Translated Page

This description only applies for normal web pages of content type 'page' - not to events or news items.

  1. A user with 'translator' role must log in through the http://www.osgeo.org/user page.
  2. Navigate to the page of interest and a small tab above the content should appear, with the label 'translations'
  3. If the translation has not yet been created for this page, it will be listed with an option to 'create translation', click the link to do so
  4. Enter in information, save page

The translation is now done and the next time someone views the default english page, they can then click on your language in the language selection menu on the lower left menu. After this it should run seamlessly.

Categories: Drupal