Board Meeting 2021-06-28

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This board meeting is scheduled Monday 28 June 2021 at 15:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.


Current items

  1. roll call'
  2. Review and approve past minutes
  3. Accept the Mesh Data Abstraction Layer (MDAL) Project as an OSGeo Community Project
  4. Update on FOSS4G 2021
  5. AGM planning - Annual_General_Meeting_2021
  6. OSGeo - HOT MOU review
  7. Update on the GSoC Org Stipend From the OSGeo GSoC Admin Team
  8. NumFocus/GDAL update


  • Presiding: Till
  • Scribing: Till
  • Attending: Angelos, Helena, Codrina, Vicky, Michele, Michael, Till, Tom (8 of 9), Astrid (later)
  • Guests: Maria (FOSS4G 2021), Ariel Antheni (FOSS4G 2021), Rajat (GSoC)
  1. roll call
  2. Review and approve past minutes
  3. Accept the Mesh Data Abstraction Layer (MDAL) Project as an OSGeo Community Project
  4. Update on FOSS4G 2021
    • Maria and Ariel (FOSS4G 2021) report:
      • FOSS4G Shop - If board agrees Maria will open a new FOSS4G shop and money goes directly to OSGeo. Nobody knows where money for old shop goes to
      • AGM ** Booked 1h for AGM, early in the morning
      • Requests a video from Angelos about OSGeo (10 Minutes) for the opening
      • Venueless will be used
      • Anita needs access to OSgeo bank acccount (PayPal), Micheal to do
      • Maria informas about status of programme, etc.
      • Board will receive codes for registration soon
      • Maria gives summary of the budget
      • Maria requests if board agrees on offering reduced tickets, that may reduce the outcome
        • board agrees
  5. AGM planning - Annual_General_Meeting_2021
    • request for small videos and merge them together (projects, local chapters)
      • ACTION: Astrid to make draft for the email
      • ACTION: Astrid asks Volker Mische
    • OSGeo has a time slot
      • needs to be figured out in next meeting (July)
    • Vicky offers to cut the videos together
  6. OSGeo - HOT MOU review
    • Angelos added it to agenda, email form Miriam and review the document
    • Helena to xopy the document to the WIKI
    • approvement next tim
  7. Mike and Angelos joined the GDAL numb meeting
      • document in the enxtcloud to be reviewed by board members
  8. Update on the GSoC Org Stipend From the OSGeo GSoC Admin Team
    • Rajat send an email to participating organisations
    • 12 students will participate this year
    • Rajat asks what to do with the money google pays (400 US $)
    • GSoc will be able to present wotk on FOSs4G 2021, thanks FOSS4G 2021 team
    • Maria asks emails of participants in order to be able to add them as speakers
    • Board approves that projects can claim for them oney and do what they want with it (to be better formaulated by Helena) and put on Loomio
      • motion passed


  • no log, Will be a meeting on jitsi

Next meeting