FOSS4G2007 Workshops
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List of workshop submissions
Criteria used by the workshop committee to review workshop submissions
- meets conference mandate:
- matches with the themes of the conference
- makes use of software that is both "free" and "open source"
- submission's technical requirements can be met by the conference facilities
- likelyhood of a quality workshop:
- successful workshop presented at prior FOSS4G conference
- expertise of the workshop presenter in the workshop subject matter
- any relevant input from workshop evaluations collected by FOSS4G2006, or personal experience of workshops presented by the presenter(s) at other conferences
- demonstrates practical applications
- expected level of interest in the workshop topic
The range of scores to be used is 0 through 5:
0 = does not meet any the criteria 1 = barely meets some of the criteria, and doesn't meet some of the criteria 3 = average 5 = meets or exceeds all of the criteria
Score each workshop out of 5 total (the spreadsheet was made before our last meeting)...ignore the cells for the individual criteria.
Timetable for workshop submissions review process
A private mailing list ("the list") was setup March 7, 2007 for use by the workshop committee.
- March 7 to 11
- on the list, discussions about the review process
- all committee members review the documents and get familiar with the workshop submissions
- March 12
- IRC meeting to finalize review criteria and the 'scoring' system
- committee members start 'scoring' the workshops listed in the "FOSS4G2007 Workshop Submissions-Half Day" spreadsheet
- March 15, midnight PDT
- deadline for committee members to provide their 'score' for each of the half-day workshops
- March 16
- committee chair creates a summary spreadsheet of the half-day workshop submissions showing each committee member's score for each workshop, and a cumulative 'total score', with the worksheet sorted by 'total score', and make that spreadsheet available to the committee members via Google Docs
- committee members start 'scoring' the workshops in the "FOSS4G2007 Workshop Submissions-90-Minute" spreadsheet
- start discussions, if needed, to adjust the ranked list of half-day workshops
- March 18, midnight PDT
- deadline for committee members to provide their 'score' for each of the 90-minute workshops
- March 19
- committee chair creates a summary spreadsheet of the 90-minute workshop submissions showing each committee member's score for each workshop, and a cumulative 'total score', with the worksheet sorted by 'total score', and make that spreadsheet available to the committee members via Google Docs
- start discussions, if needed, to adjust the ranked list of 90-minute workshops
- March 20, noon PDT
- final deadline for any 'tweaking' of the ranked lists of the half-day and 90-minute workshop submissions
- committee chair prepares the final versions of the relevant documents/spreadsheets, which will be forwarded to the conference organizing committee so they have time to review before their meeting on March 22nd
FOSS4G Workshop Committee Members
- Aaron Racicot
- Dave Patton (chair)
- David Percy
- Jason Birch
- Jeff McKenna
- Jody Garnett
- Perry Nacionales
Next Committee Meeting
- date: 2007/03/26
- time: 11:00AM PDT
- IRC Channel: #foss4g2007 on (or via Web:
- Agenda:
- Select chair for this meeting
- Set date/time for next meeting
Previous Committee Meetings
- IRC Log
- Agenda:
- Select chair for this meeting
- Set date/time for next meeting
- Criteria selection
- Discuss the criteria to be used for the workshop submissions review process
- Vote on the suggested criteria, to establish the criteria list for use by the workshop committee
- Criteria importance
- Discuss whether all criteria should have equal 'weight', or whether some need a 'multiplier' to add/subtract their effect
- Vote on any suggestions for 'criteria weightings'
- Scoring
- How to 'score' a workshop submission based on the selected criteria
- Format of recommendations
- list of workshop submissions that are not recommended
- issue of limitations on the number of workshops
- ranked list of workshop submissions
- Timetable
- Half-day workshops
- 90-minute workshops
- IRC Log
- Agenda:
- Select chair for this meeting
- Set date/time for next meeting
- Process for reviewing the workshop submissions
- How to do the review process
- private vs public
- who will be involved in the review
- collaboration methods (e.g. IRC, mailing list)
- A possible approach for the Workshop Committee to use when reviewing the workshop submissions
- Plans for dealing with 'late submissions'
- will submissions not already received be considered for the review?
- workshop submissions for key topics that aren't covered ("filling in the holes")
- Dates
- deadline for finishing review process is March 20th (due to organizing committee meeting March 22nd)
- if clarification of a workshop submission's details is needed, how long to wait for a response - March 11th?
- timetable for review process
- March 6 - March 11:
- committee members review submissions
- discussion amongst committee members about submissions
- committee members assign 'scores'
- March 12: 'scores' are tabulated
- March 13:
- committee meets to review/adjust 'ranked lists'
- 'ranked lists' of the workshop submissions are made available to the public (e.g. locked wiki page)
- March 14 - March 19: public can use mailing lists and IRC to comment on 'ranked lists'
- March 20:
- committee meets to review/adjust 'ranked lists'
- committee forwards final 'ranked lists' to the conference organizing committee
- March 6 - March 11:
- Results of review process
- separate recommendations for half-day vs 90-minute workshops?
- what does the review produce:
- two lists - recommended & not recommended?
- an explanation for each submission that wasn't recommended?
- one list, with a 'ranking' or 'score' for each submission?
- How to do the review process
- Workshop review criteria
- Decisions
- workshop committee to make recommendations
- final decisions made by conference organizing committee
- Objective criteria
- does the submission clearly not fall within the conference mandate
- can submission's technical requirements be met by the conference facilities?
- has the same workshop been presented at prior FOSS4G conferences? (this could be a plus or a minus)
- Subjective criteria
- expected level of interest in the workshop topic
- expertise of the workshop presenter in the workshop subject matter
- ability of the workshop presenter to present a 'good' workshop
- is there 'too much' overlap between multiple submissions
- geographical representation
- any relevant input from workshop evaluations collect by FOSS4G2006
- the "free" debate
- Decisions
- IRC Log
- Action Items arising from meeting:
- action: dave to phone Paul re making workshop selection process public, and deadline for finishing workshop submission review process
- Agenda:
- Select chair for this meeting
- Committee membership
- invite David Percy to the committee
- status of Olivier?
- Set date/time for next meeting
- Review goals for number of workshops
- For "Workshops Day" (Monday September 24)
- Concurrent with presentations (Tuesday PM, Wednesday AM/PM, Thursday AM)
- Workshop Submissions - process summary
- have there been any comments on, or issues with, the submission process?
- are we aware of any submissions that are 'in the works', but which haven't been received?
- clarify "workshop" vs "lab" (e.g. half-day vs 90-minutes? Monday vs Tuesday-Thursday?)
- should 'workshops' that have no requirements for computers be considered "presentations"?
- Current status (as of 1:00PM Friday, 30 minutes before this meeting: total of 45 submissions)
- Number of submissions for half-day workshops = 28 (Beginner=9, Intermediate=2, Advanced=5, Developer=12)
- Number of submissions for 90-minute workshops = 17 (Beginner=7, Advanced=3, Developer=7)
- Number of half-day submissions that indicated they could be shortened to 90 minutes = 2
- Number of 90-minute submissions that indicated no need for computers = 5
- Technical Requirements:
- Provided Windows XP workstations = 21
- Multiple options, or ambiguous = 8
- Participants bring their own Laptop = 5
- Provided Linux VMWare machine = 5
- Instructor-provided LiveCD = 4
- None = 2
- Workshop selection process
- How to do the selection process - who, collaboration methods, etc.
- Plans re "filling in the holes" - how to get workshop submissions for key topics that aren't covered so far
- Dates
- Confirm current submission deadline(March 2), or select new deadline
- deadline for finishing review process
- Workshop selection criteria
- Decisions
- workshop committee to make recommendations
- final decisions made by conference organizing committee
- Objective criteria
- can submission's technical requirements be met by the conference facilities?
- Subjective criteria
- expected level of interest in the workshop topic
- expertise of the workshop presenter in the workshop subject matter
- ability of the workshop presenter to present a 'good' workshop
- Decisions
- IRC Log
- Action Items arising from meeting:
- action: dave - send out reminder later today about next week's meeting
- DONE: Dave to email Frank a reminder announcement for the workshop submission deadline
- action: dave to start wiki page re guidelines for workshops
- Agenda:
- Select chair for this meeting
- Set date/time for next meeting
- review Action Items from 2007/02/09 meeting:
- ACTION: Aaron: talk to David Percy before next meeting
- OBSOLETE: Dave: need to find out from Olivier re use of INDICO
- ACTION: Jason to follow up with Jody
- ACTION: Dave to start developing the list of local print shops
- DONE: Dave to make agenda for next meeting
- review committee membership
- Jeff McKenna resigned from the committee due to work commitments, but will hopefully be able to help 'later on'
- Olivier Ertz hasn't been on IRC for about 3 weeks - anyone know his status?
- do we need more committee members?
- nominate and confirm new committee chair
- video of conference - confirm that this has been ruled out?
- Workshops
- Status of workshop submissions
- workshop materials
- who pays, and for what
- guidelines for workshop presenters:
- make a guideline based on the "top 5/10 rated workshops" from the prior conference( s )?
- guidelines for what? Format of workshop handouts? Size/length of handouts? Type of presentation?
- when accepting workshops, provide the presenters with the guidelines
- where/when to indicate to workshop presenters (or for workshop proposals?) to check with project steering committees?
- New Business
- estimated maximum bandwidth demand for a single workshop
- review of workshop evaluations from FOSS4G2007
- IRC Log
- Action Items arising from meeting:
- ACTION: Aaron: talk to David Percy before next meeting
- ACTION: Dave: need to find out from Olivier re use of INDICO
- ACTION: Jason to follow up with Jody
- ACTION: Dave to start developing the list of local print shops
- ACTION: Dave to make agenda for next meeting
- Agenda:
- Select chair for this meeting
- Set date/time for next meeting
- Old Business
- review Action Items from 2007/02/02 meeting:
- DONE: Jason: send meeting reminders 1 day and 1 hour before meetings
- ACTION: Aaron: talk to David Percy before next meeting
- DONE: Jason: send out message to re-review the call and requirements by noon tomorrow PST
- ACTION: Dave: need to find out from Olivier re use of INDICO
- DONE: Dave: email Lorenzo re attending next week's meeting to discuss use of LiveCD
- DONE: Dave: review action items from earlier in the meeting
- DONE: Dave: prepare agenda for next week's meeting
- Status of help from Jody
- need a way to track the submissions like last year's INDICO system
- possibility of some sort of "facility" at the conference where workshop presenters can arrive and get help (financially and technically) getting copies, CD's, etc
- video of conference - is there an 'external resource' that could be used to manage this?
- Ominiverdi LiveCD: mailing list email from Lorenzo
- review Action Items from 2007/02/02 meeting:
- New Business
- nominate and confirm new committee chair
- review committee membership
- Status of workshop call, announcements, and feedback so far
- Policies & Procedures for workshop materials:
- who pays for workshop materials
- financial support by conference for workshop materials preparation
- guidelines for workshop materials (format, length, etc)
- Guidelines for types of workshop:
from #osgeo, 2007/02/0612:54:38 jgarnett: aside: #geoserver meeting trying to come up with workshop topics 12:54:59 jgarnett: how "advanced" should workshops go?
- Specs for rental computers
- Other New Business
- IRC Log
- Action Items arising from meeting:
- ACTION: Jason: send meeting reminders 1 day and 1 hour before meetings
- ACTION: Aaron: talk to David Percy before next meeting
- ACTION: Jason: send out message to re-review the call and requirements by noon tomorrow PST
- ACTION: -----: need to find out from Olivier re use of INDICO
- ACTION: Dave: email Lorenzo re attending next week's meeting to discuss use of LiveCD
- ACTION: Dave: review action items from earlier in the meeting
- ACTION: Dave: prepare agenda for next week's meeting
- Agenda:
- Select Meeting chair
- Set date/time for next meeting
- Old Business (based on Log from 2007/01/26 meeting)
- Jason: did you get in contact with Jody (jgarnett)?
- who will send out meeting reminders, and when
- Aaron: did you get in contact with David Percy?
- do we have a "set of questions/needs for the full committee to answer"?
- theme rooms, and creating tracks after workshop submissions received
- in 2006, workshops were 3.5 hours, including 30 minute break
- What about podcast/video of the workshops and presentations
- workshop details needed before call for abstracts (room sizes, number of machines, etc.)
- need a way to track the submissions like last year's INDICO system
- Olivier: did you contact the 2006 local committee re setting up an instance of INDICO for use for 2007 (for workshop submission tracking)?
- possibilities re adding more workshop time at the start/end of the conference?
- New Business
- for any "to do" items that come up in meetings, use "ACTION: name" on IRC to flag who is to take care of that item
- review Call For Workshops Content:
- Ominiverdi LiveCD: mailing list email from Lorenzo
- date when call for workshops will be ready for announcement
- rooms for workshops - establish minimum allocations Workshop Rooms
- computer resources - current availability, and desired target Computers
- IRC Log
- Agenda: There was no set agenda
Workshops Notes
Workshop Duration and Scheduling
- 40 computers in the rental budget
- another 20 slated as loaners from Nanaimo
- other options? (bring-your-own etc.)
Room Availability
Software Installation
- LiveCD for Linux
- MS4W installer for Windows
- other?
- attendees come with laptops and software installed?
- local person to deal with venue's tech staff?
Questions for Organising Committee
- Number and dimension of rooms, tables (how many PCs /people can we fit in a room)
Feedback from Past Conferences (things to note)
- overcrowded workshops are bad
- registrants could possibly list their "top 4" workshop selections
- LiveCD for linux workshops very successful
- grouping workshops by room "theme" successful (MapServer room, GRASS room, ...)
- foss4g2006 workshops wiki :
- foss4g2006 workshops rooms :
- foss4g2006 number of attendees per workshop :