Exhibition Pack

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The OSGeo Foundation supports local communities to promote OSGeo by providing exhibition material for use at conferences and related events. This page lists what is provided, what is funded and how to get hold of it. This page should be read in conjunction with the [Conference HOWTO].

This page is in DRAFT, awaiting Marketing Committee approval.

We are still to determine whether these items are to be shipped, or created locally.

Starter kit

The starter kit contains items that can be carried between conferences. Each Local Organizing Committee or regional group is entitled to a starter kit. It contains:

  1. An OSGeo retractable banner stand, approx 1 meter wide, 2 meters tall, with (proposed) text:
Open Source
* Robust, Feature Rich, Open Source Software
* Open Mapping Data
* Educational Programs
  1. A portable literature stand.
  2. An OSGeo table cloth
  3. Business Shirts with OSGeo logo over the pocket for stand attendants. (Business shirts present a professional image, we have grown past the "hackers in garages" stage.)

Desirable additions to the starter kit

  • A case study folder:

This is asking a lot. Various projects have been trying to compile lists of case studies and projects using their products for ages. We should have quite a few around by now. By compiling them all into proper prose and screen shots, we could bind them up into a loose leaf folder. People are always interested to know who's using this stuff, and while we can point them to web sites or give them examples we know about, I feel it would be much more powerful to walk them through a couple examples in the folder, and give them a chair while they browse the rest. See [Case_Studies] for a start on this.

  • A poster showing a block diagram of the Open Source geospatial stack.

Essential Consumables

  1. A two sided A4 flier saying what OSGeo is, and listing all the OSGeo projects, with a paragraph summarising each project.
  2. LiveDVDs

Desirable Consumables

  1. An A4 flier for each project (these get outdated quite quickly).

Unfunded Consumables

Local presenters might want to hand out extra gadgets or promotional material.

Locally Supplied

  • A demonstration computer, ideally with a LiveDVD installed into its own partition. (The LiveDVD is slow if running off the DVD).
  • A large monitor or projector.
  • Table
  • Chairs