Talk:Marketing Targets
Tyler dumping some recent thoughts here, incomplete
Marketing Targets
Determining particular messages to be sharing, summed up in a few phrases for further material development. Three groups to give message to:
# Application users
# Application Developers (including web)
# Decision makers
Summarise these groups into a couple sentences each and also a terse phrase/headline.
Application Users
Who are they:
- Users of mapping related applications and tools.
OSGeo projects provide:
- Applications for them to use for making maps and managing geographic information.
Headline: Tools to Use
- Freely available mapping tools to help
you manage your geographic information
Application Developers
Who are they:
- Developers of web and desktop applications. Not all familiar with geospatial concepts. May involve data handling applications.
OSGeo project provides:
- Application programming libraries for data access and openly accessible desktop/web-based development frameworks. Some components are ready to use or available to be customised further.
Headline: Foundations to Build On
- Fast-track your development by building on data access APIs and mature frameworks for web and desktop applications and open standards.
Decision Makers
Who are they:
- Project managers from GIS, web or IT development. Management looking for solutions for staff, users or customers.
OSGeo Projects Provide:
- Approximately 8 Million lines of code, and 500 developers worth of applications and libraries. Access to data formats and open standards to accelerate development and delivery of solutions.
Headline: Deliver Flexibility....
- ......
following discussion has been merged with the main content --Seven 10:12, 7 December 2007 (EST)
I think something interesting to add to this page is the message we are trying to deliver to different "targets". These include:
- You can use OSGeo software to get useful work done.
- You can build your software/service on top of OSGeo software.
- You can sponsor OSGeo and get benefits.
- You can contribute time and effort to OSGeo to improve the organization and software.
At the executive left we might be trying to get messages 2 and 3 across. To average folks we might be promoting messages 1. To existing users we might be promoting message 4.
--Warmerda 23:43, 15 March 2006 (CET)
Yes, in retorspect I sort of left it implicit that this is actually a 3-D table: WHO, HOW, and WHAT, with the WHAT being the specific messaging construct (such as you've listed above).
I should probably go dig up my Marketing 101 folder...
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