FOSS4G 2009 Program
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The overall conference programme can be found at:
Presentations make up a large part of the conference program. During the period of 15th June to 28th June 2009 all submitted presentations from both the general and academic track will be open to public voting.
Reviewer are asked to consider the conference theme of "User Driven" when rating presentations. We want to make sure we have presentations for both GIS developers and systems integrators, and Geospatial Open Source Business Case Studies useful for potential purchases of FOSS4G software systems.
The steps below need to be followed to vote on presentations:
1. Go to the main conference website and follow the links to vote on presentations. This will direct you to the presentations system. You need to register to vote on presentations. Registration is simple. If you have already registered to submit a presentation then you do not need to register again, please use your existing credentials.
2. Once logged in you'll be prompted to vote for your favourite abstracts. Click on the link
3. All the presentations are displayed. Each presentation appears together with the title, author and abstract. Below are tags which can be selected to display presentations with a common theme. You can vote on the presentation by selecting the 'no', 'slight' or 'huge' options, your vote is cast as soon as you select one of the options. However you can change your mind later if you wish
4. If you wish to amend your choice then you can click on your original selection to change it. You don't have to vote on all presentations in one session, the system will remember your selections. Happy voting
After public voting has closed each presentation was given a score based upon the following criteria:
0 = no interest 1 = slight interest 2 = huge interest
The collated scores were then provided to the presentation committee made up of the following:
Organising Committee (Local & OSGeo)
- Cameron Shorter , LISAsoft (Chair)
- Tim Bowden , Mapforge
- Shoaib Burq , Geoscience Australia
- Bruce Bannerman , Bureau of Meteorology
- Ben Searle , Office of Spatial Data Management
- Simon Hope , ESRI Australia
- Harley Prowse , Geographic Business Solutions Ltd , Auckland, New Zealand.
- Jody Garnett , LISAsoft
- Mark Leslie , LISAsoft
- Volker Mische
- Jeff McKenna , OSGeo conference committee Chair
- Paul Ramsey , OSGeo Board Representative
- Tyler Mitchell , OSGeo Executive Director
Conference Chairs
- Geoff Zeiss
- Venkatesh Raghavan
- Anne Fitzgerald
- Satish Sankaran
- Raj Singh
Sessions are groups of two or three presentations. Each presentation is 30 minutes inclusive of change over, set up, content and questions.
The following dates are relevant to general presentations only. Academic presentation dates can be found here[[1]]
- June 8 abstract deadline
- June 14 - 28 public voting open
- July 20 presentation acceptance notification
Presentation Preparation Room
Parkside G07 [2] is reserved as the presentation preparation room. This room will be available to presenters prior to their presentation. The following facilities will be provided:
Presentation upload facilities
Presentation Laptop and room facilities
Each presentation room will be set up to include the following:
Guidelines for presenters
Presenters may provide their own laptop, if you are please ensure you are in the room ahead of your allotted time to ensure an efficient change over.
Guidelines for session coordinators
Content Streaming
Academic Track
FOSS4G 2009 will be running a seperate academic track, more details can be found here [[3]]