I have worked in the geospatial industry for 20+ years. I have been CTO of Intergraph, Ubisense, and Smallworld (now part of GE). I am currently Founder of Spatial Networking, where the application we have developed makes use of various open source products including PostGIS. I have contributed to several industry open data standards including the Open Geospatial Consortium in its formative years, and IEC TC57 Working Group 14 (for exchange of electric utility data). I am an active participant in and advocate for OpenStreetMap. I was a member of the Board of GITA (the Geospatial Information and Technology Association) for 5 years, from 2004 through 2008. I have been a member of the GeoWorld magazine Editorial Advisory Board since 1996, have published many articles and spoken at many conferences around the world, and write a blog called geothought.
I'm an active advocate for open source geospatial software. I speak regularly about open source at conferences. I have helped organize local events for FRUGOS, the Front Range Users of Geospatial Open Source, in Colorado. I was a leader of the Denver bid to hold FOSS4G in 2010, and an organizer of the WhereCamp5280 event in Denver in 2009.