IncCom Meeting20
- Proposed date: Sep 24 2012
1) Approve minutes from IncCom Meeting19
Actions from this meeting:
- PostGIS news announcement or blog post
- tackat to join mailing list to go over mentor responsibilities
- jive and tackat look towards joint blog post introducing marble and asking for volunteer mentor
2) Review TRAC / Email list requests
Review pending incubation applications: Pending Applications in Trac
- We have 10 applications
- WITHDRAWN: Geotoolkit Application for Incubation to OSGeo
- NEW: OGC Team Engine application (added to agenda)
3) ZOO-Project Status (FrankW mentor)
- Action update: ZOO-Project up update website with OSGeo incubation logo / news announcement. ZOO-Project communication is held up waiting on mailing list, waiting for FrankW to return
4) rasdaman Statsus (Bruce Bannerman mentor Jody backup)
5) Opticks Status (Mark Lucas mentor)
- Action Update: Opticks news announcement and update website with OSGeo incubation logo
6) MetaCRS Status (Daniel Morissette mentor)
7) gvSig Status (jsanz)
8) GeoServer Status (pspencer)
9) geomoose Status (Jody Garnett mentor)
- Action Update: jive to review geomoose materials prior to recomendation
- recommended for graduation
- project team is done revising project procedures
- [GeoMoose Incubation Status]
10) OGC TEAM Engine Application OGC TEAM Engine, jdeolive to mentor
11) Incubation Phases - break incubation into phases to allow projects to start in without a mentor, will require collaboration with SAC and Marketting committees.
Proposal: Incubation Phases
Full log:
- jive, Frank Warmerdam, Gerald Fenoy, Arnulf, Jorge Sanz, Daniel Morissette, tom kralidis, Angelos Tzotsos, Jeff McKenna
- Arnulf to Mentor Marble, we will need to make a motion on the email list. - jive: to contact OSM project and see if it is still ticking - OGC Team Engine accepted into incubation with Justin Deoliveira as mentor - jive: ask GeoMoose for clarification on contribution, and results of code/doc/data review - jmckenna: fix ZOO-Project link on (done) - jive: take "Incubation Phases" proposal back to email for discussion - kalxas: filling in pycsw questionnaire
1) Approve minutes from IncCom Meeting19
- Request for use of real names - Request to list decisions in meeting
Review actions: - (no done) PostGIS news announcement or blog post - (no done) jive and tackat look towards joint blog post introducing marble and asking for volunteer mentor
Frank motioned to accept, Arnulf seconded.
2) Review TRAC / Email list requests
From email:
Review pending incubation applications:
- Marble Virtual Globe <-- seven has volunteered
- STARSpan <-- this one appears stuck
- PyWPS Incubation Process
- Geo-meteo
- Orfeo Toolbox (OTB)
- OSM Distributed Tile Update System Application
- MapProxy
- (withdrawn) GeoTookit
- (new) OGC Team Engine
3) ZOO-Project Status (FrankW mentor)
- (done) mailing list is migrated
- (not done) incubation logo on
- (not done) news anouncement
- (not done) osgeo webpage link still wrong
4) rasdaman Statsus (Bruce Bannerman mentor Jody backup)
- no progress
5) Opticks Status (Mark Lucas mentor)
- in release candidate mode so assume busy
- (not done) news announcement on entering OSGeo Incubation
- (not done) update website with "project in incubation" logo
6) MetaCRS Status (Daniel Morissette mentor)
- no progress
7) gvSig Status (jsanz)
- no progress
- "you are always on my mind"
- jsanz will start doing the work himself, and expects questions
8) GeoServer Status (pspencer)
- Geoserver 2.2 is released, so code review can re-start
- checklist completed, Andrea Amie has reviewed
9) GeoMoose Status (Jody Garnett mentor)
- (done) Jody has reviewed GeoMoose materials
- (done) recommended for graduation
- project team is done revising project procedures
- [GeoMoose Incubation Status], [GeoMoose_Provenance_Review], [GeoMoose_Incubation_Checklist]
- Cameron (email): lack of committer guidelines
- Frank: "Normally for projects without a legal contribution agreement it is good to make clear guidelines on provenance responsibilities and to have each committer agree to it."
- Jody: docs were not distributed under a license
- Jody: could not locate summary of the code / docs / data review on email
10) OGC TEAM Engine Application
- OGC TEAM Engine
- Justin Deoliveira volunteered to mentor
- Some concerns about team size, took a moment to match names to organisations
- Could not establish current "governance model / decision process" (something to work on in incubation)
Frank motions to accept OGC Team project for incubation with Justin DeOlivera as mentor, 11) Incubation Phases - break incubation into phases to allow projects to start in without a mentor, will require collaboration with SAC and Marketting committees. Proposal: Incubation Phases
Frank motions that the applicaiton be accepted with, Justin as mentor, Daniel Morissette seconds. Motion carried.
11) Incubation Phases
- Send back to email for discussion.
- Need a better name for applications that are in order, but as of yet lack a mentor. Several names were proposed "Incubation: Applied", "Incubation: Pending".
Benefits: - prevent projects waiting in limbo - better to give a clear "no" and let projects free to look into other options.
Concerns: - significantly increase the importance of reviewing the initial questionare. - increasing the burden on incubation committee, SAC and Marketing. - some projects may not be interesting enough to ever capture a mentor
12) pycsw update
Action: filling in questionnaire, will be ready for next meeting. Action: looking for mentor