
From OSGeo
Revision as of 14:35, 23 August 2006 by Tmitchell (talk | contribs) (added in main budget portion to add detail to)
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How much money does VisCom need, on a quarterly basis?

Some initial thoughts:

  • General costs
    • 100/year for the cafepress store
  • Event main costs (per event) -- how many events per quarter? 2?
    • no idea -- could include booth, space, sponsorship, ...
  • Event support costs (per event)
    • $300 for shirts (15 shirts at $17.50, plus shipping)
    • $200 printing for brochures, etc
  • ...?

OSGeo Budget

Below are parts of the overall OSGeo budget that pertain to promotion and visibility specifically. Can we just add more detail to this so we can see how the breakdown fits into this framework?

I removed the OSGeo Conference cost as it will be a bit of an anomaly and is bigger than just VisCom (I assume).

All items indicated in US dollars per year.

Item Description Min Max
Promotional Materials printed materials, give-away swag $3000 $12000
Booth 1-3 easily shippable booths $5000 $15000
Promotional Travel travel, hotels, entertainment (6-12 conferences) $18000 $36000
Conference Fees fees for booth space (6-12 conferences) $36000 $72000