Board Meeting 2015-03-05
This board meeting is scheduled for the 5th of March 2015 at 15.00 UTC through IRC and follow up voting by email.
Current items
Items in italic are recurring at each meeting.
Move items from past meetings, or add new items, at will. Note that the discussion is limited to 1 hour.
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes: Board Meeting 2015-02-05
- brief treasurer report - release openlayers funds
- FOSS4G 2015 Seoul update
- FOSS4G 2016 update
- incubation
- The istSOS application into incubation has been reviewed and accepted by the incubation committee (with Arnulf as mentor). Requesting board approval.
- standards: The software license used by the OGC has been identified as an issue in the distribution of the pycsw project as an open source project. Request the OGC board contact the OGC on this matter as it hinders open source adoption.
- The pycsw project has completed its graduation requirements. Request board acknowledge pycsw as a new osgeo project with Angelos Tzotsos as project officer.
- "Geo for All" Student Awards seed funding (10k USD) (award wiki)
- CodeHaus shutting down (projects effected GeoServer, GeoTools)
- Add items here: (estimate 45 minutes of time)
- Select next meeting date/time
Items from past meetings
- Developing a Diversity statement for the Foundation
- Beginning plans for a 2015 budget (similar to OSGeo Budget 2014)
- Dealing with SAC/systems issues (Outstanding SAC Issues 2014)
- Updating/Recording accurate foundation officers
- Website committee chair not active (according to the chair)
- Geodata committee not actively used (according to the chair)
- Marketing committee without a chair
- Updating/Recording accurate local chapters
- Agree on 5-level project evaluation as proposed by Cameron [1]
- OSGeo is now a registered 'organization' with OGC, and goal is to have all OSGeo "products"/projects listed there. (initial discussion on Projects list)
- Attending: Jeff, Anne, Jachym, Maxy, Jorge, Bart, Gerald, Mike
- Presiding: Jeff
- Scribing: Jorge
Also attended: Jody Garnett, Till Adams
Assigned Tasks
- [UNASSIGNED] update Officers page (and any others) to reflect pycsw as a graduted OSGeo project
- [Jeff] draft a letter at OGC XML Schemas and FOSS4G Software Distribution
Motions (confirmed by email)
See email thread on the Board list.
Motion | +1 | 0 | -1 | Abstain | Passed? | Notes |
Approve past meeting's minutes | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Yes | |
Release full amount requested by OpenLayers PSC | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Yes | |
Approve Bonn as the host city for FOSS4G 2016 | 8 | 1 (Maxi) | 0 | 0 | Yes | |
Accept istSOS into incubation | 8 | 0 | 0 | 1 (Maxi) | Yes | Maxi abstains as part of the istSOS team |
Accept pycsw as a graduated OSGeo project | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Yes | |
Support a letter to OGC on schemas distribution | 8 | 1 (Bart) | 0 | 0 | Yes |
Full, raw minutes notes
IRC Log at
- 15:00 Meeting starts
- 15:03 MOTION: Approve past meeting minutes, 8 votes in favour, passed
- 15:05 Treasurer report from Mike Smith
- We have received a 1000CAD donation
- OpenLayers PSC request to withdraw funds being held by OSGeo
- MOTION: Release full amount requested by OpenLayers PSC, 8 votes in favour, passed
- Discussion about other projects with funds managed by OSGeo, apparently only GDAL
- 15:19 FOSS4G 2015 Update from Jeff
- Nothing noticeable, positive feedback to Jeff on monthly updates from the LOC.
- Maybe those monthly reports should be added as a must for next conferences
- 15:22 FOSS4G 2016 Update from Jeff
- The conference committee has voted for Bonn, Germany for 2016
- Discussion about the chance to have more information about voting results, not just the number of members voted and the winner
- MOTION to approve Bonn as the host city for FOSS4G 2016, 7 in favour, passed
- Discussion about the liason role for 2016. Jeff is willing to also do the job for 2016, some board members want to discuss more on this.
- Gerald raises a motion to have Jeff as the liason but not all members feel prepared to vote and want more discussion.
- 15:42 Incubation status update from Jody Garnett
- MOTION: Accept istSOS into incubation, 7 in favour, Maxi abstains, passed
- MOTION: Accept pycsw as a graduated OSGeo project, 8 in favour, passed
- Angelos will be appointed as project VP
- Officers page will have to be updated (task)
- Jody asks the Board to officially contact OGC to unlock the OGC schemas distribution problem
- OGC is already acknowledged of this, but a formal request would help
- A letter will be drafted at OGC XML Schemas and FOSS4G Software Distribution by Jeff (task)
- MOTION: Support a letter to OGC on schemas distribution policy, 7 in favour, passed
- 15:53 ICA OSGeo ISPRS Student awards
- Discussion about the motion that wasn't passed on the allocation of funds for the awards
- More feedback from Suschith is needed, Maxi will contact him, so the motion has to wait
- Some discussion about the affiliation of GeoForAll.
- 15:59 Codehaus shut down from Jody
- CodeHaus is shutting down so a number of OSGeo projects and close friends are having trouble on finding a new home for their hosting needs (tickets mainly apparently)
- Board members express their full support to help them
- Jody will keep the board updated on how this process goes
- 16:06 Quick note from Anne about OSGeo being accepted for GSoC 2015
- 16:10 Next meeting time: 2015/04/09 + 15:00UTC Board Meeting 2015-04-09