Building fully open climatic monitoring system

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OSGeo's Open Monitoring System WG hackaton

This event will be held in Italy, in San Michele all'Adige at Fondazione Edmund Mach OSM. The event is a workshop to learn how to create a open climatic monitoring system. The dates are 6th and 7th December 2016.


Day 1

  • 09:00 Introduction, Open Software and Open Hardware (Talk)
  • 10:00 introduction to OGC Sensor Observation Service with istSOS (Talk)
  • 10:30 coffee break
  • 11:00 Arduino hands on: blink and temperature, temperature and humidity, other sensors like CO2 (Hands on)
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 13.30 Arduino IDE: troubleshooting, compiling (Talk)
  • 14:00 Introduction to weather station (Talk)
  • 14:30 Discover weather station components (Hands on)
  • 15:00 coffee break
  • 15:30 Building weather station (Hands on)
  • 17:30 end

Day 2

  • 09:00 Soldering workshop (Hands on)
  • 10:00 Prototyping your own sensor system and introduce arduino enslaved to raspberrypi (Talk)
  • 10:30 coffee break
  • 11:00 Prototyping your own sensor system and introduce arduino enslaved to raspberrypi (Hands on)
  • 12:30 Introduction about communication: GSM, Wifi, RF, USB (Talk)
  • 13:00 Lunch
  • 14:00 Connecting to istSOS for data management, analysis and distribution
  • 15:30 coffee break
  • 16:00 Connecting to istSOS for data management, analysis and distribution (cont.)
  • 17:00 end

Components to bring

To follow completely the workshop everyone need to come with the following components



  • arduino nano v3 with soldered pins
  • weather components:
  1. EITHER:
- SparkFun Weather Shield DEV-12081
- Arduino Stackable Header Kit - R3PRT-11417
- GPS Receiver - GP-735 (56 Channel) GPS-13670
- JST SH Jumper 6 Wire - 1.75" GPS-00574
- RJ11 6-Pin Connector PRT-00132
  1. OR:
- OurWeather station complete kit
  • leds
  • some sensors (DS18B20 or DHT22 or gas)
  • some jumper wires/cable


  • raspberry pi with raspbian OS
  • arduino nano v3 non soldered with separated headers
  • arduino shield for communication (GSM, Wifi, RF)
  • arduino data logger shield OpenLog (
  • Weather Meters SEN-08942 (this come with ourweater)
  • solder iron
  • soldering led


The maximum number of participant is 20 people.

Name Arrival date Departure date Affiliation Your own sensors Note
Luca Delucchi - - Fondazione E. Mach
Robero Zorer - - Fondazione E. Mach