GeoNode Provenance Review
GeoNode Provenance Review
Project History
The work behind GeoNode began in February 2009 with work between the World Bank and OpenGeo with the first commit taking place in September 2009 under the GPL License. In January 2010, the GeoNode community launched, by February, commercial support was being provided by Boundless and SpatialDev. In the following years, several projects (MapStory, ROGUE, Boundless Exchange) have been build on the GeoNode platform and dozens of partners have helped fund and develop enhancements to GeoNode. In 2016, all copyright held by the now dissolved OpenPlans was transferred to the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). GeoNode is now used worldwide by many institutions and has developers from a wide variety of organizations supporting it. A full detailed history compiled by Karl Fogel has been funded by the World Bank and will be published soon.
List or reference a table of included libraries and/or components. Include:
- Library Name
- License
- Whether the library licence is compatible with the project
- Whether the library is compiled into the project's releases, or required as an external dependancy
- Whether the library is included in the project's code repository
- Issue? (link if issue if one exists)
- Ok? (Yes/No/Black - implies not checked yet)
- Comment(s)
Library | Licence | Compatible? | Included in core? | Issue(s)? | Ok? | Comments |
GDAL 1.10.1 | MIT | yes | no | |||
IMDbPY 4.9 | yes | no | ||||
Jinja2 2.7.2 | BSD | yes | no | |||
MarkupSafe 0.18 | BSD | yes | no | |||
MySQL-python 1.2.3 | GPL | yes | no | |||
Pillow 2.3.0 | Standard PIL License | yes | no | |||
Pygments 1.6 | BSD License | yes | no | |||
Twisted 13.2.0 | MIT | yes | no | |||
Twisted-Conch 13.2.0 | MIT | yes | no | |||
Twisted-Core 13.2.0 | MIT | yes | no | |||
Twisted-Lore 13.2.0 | MIT | yes | no | |||
Twisted-Mail 13.2.0 | MIT | yes | no | |||
Twisted-Names 13.2.0 | MIT | yes | no | |||
Twisted-News 13.2.0 | MIT | yes | no | |||
Twisted-Runner 13.2.0 | MIT | yes | no | |||
Twisted-Web 13.2.0 | MIT | yes | no | |||
Twisted-Words 13.2.0 | MIT | yes | no | |||
chardet 2.0.1 | LGPL | yes | no | |||
click 5.1 | yes | no | ||||
colorama 0.2.5 | BSD | yes | no | |||
defer 1.0.6 | GNU GPL | yes | no | |||
dnspython 1.11.1 | BSD-like | yes | no | |||
docutils 0.11 | public domain, Python, 2-Clause BSD, GPL 3 (see COPYING.txt) | yes | no | |||
html5lib 0.999 | MIT License | yes | no | |||
httplib2 0.8 | MIT | yes | no | |||
lxml 3.3.3 | UNKNOWN | yes | no | |||
matplotlib 1.3.1 | yes | no | ||||
netifaces 0.8 | MIT License | yes | no | |||
numpy 1.8.2 | BSD | yes | no | |||
oauthlib 0.6.1 | BSD | yes | no | |||
psycopg2 2.4.5 | GPL with exceptions or ZPL | yes | no | |||
pyOpenSSL 0.13 | APL2 | yes | no | |||
pycups 1.9.66 | GPLv2+ | yes | no | |||
pycurl 7.19.3 | LGPL/MIT | yes | no | |||
pyspatialite 3.0.1 | zlib/libpng license | yes | no | |||
pysqlite 1.0.1 | Python license | yes | no | |||
python-dateutil 1.5 | PSF License | yes | no | |||
pytz 2012c | MIT | yes | no | |||
pyudev 0.16.1 | LGPL 2.1+ | yes | no | |||
pyxattr 0.5.1 | LGPL | yes | no | |||
pyzmq 14.0.1 | LGPL+BSD | yes | no | |||
requests 2.2.1 | Copyright 2014 Kenneth Reitz | yes | no | |||
roman 2.0.0 | Python 2.1.1 | yes | no | |||
simplejson 3.3.1 | MIT License | yes | no | |||
six 1.5.2 | MIT | yes | no | |||
speedtest-cli 0.2.5 | Apache License, Version 2.0 | yes | no | |||
ssh-import-id 3.21 | GPLv3 | yes | no | |||
urlgrabber 3.9.1 | LGPL | yes | no | |||
urllib3 1.7.1 | MIT | yes | no | |||
wheel 0.24.0 | MIT | yes | no | |||
wxPython | wxWidgets Library License (LGPL derivative) | yes | no | |||
wxPython-common | wxWidgets Library License (LGPL derivative) | yes | no | |||
zope.interface 4.0.5 | ZPL 2.1 | yes | no | |||
datatables 1.10 | yes | no | ||||
select 23.2.0 | yes | no | ||||
jquery >=1.8.0 | yes | no | ||||
jquery-timeago 0.11.4 | yes | no | ||||
jquery-ui 1.10.4 | yes | no | ||||
requirejs 2.1.2 | yes | no | ||||
requirejs-text2.0.3 | yes | no | ||||
underscore 1.4.2 | yes | no | ||||
jquery-waypoints 1.1.7 | yes | no | ||||
bootstrap 3.1.1 | yes | no | ||||
moment 2.8.3 | yes | no | ||||
raty 2.5.2 | yes | no | ||||
json2 43d7836c8ec9b31a02a31ae0c400bdae04d3650d | yes | no | ||||
bootstrap-wysiwyghtml5 | yes | no | ||||
fontselect-jquery-plugin | yes | no | ||||
multi-select | yes | no | ||||
jquery-ajaxprogress | yes | no | ||||
jquery.ajaxQueue | yes | no | ||||
angular 1.3.0 | yes | no | ||||
angular-leaflet-directive 0.7.9 | yes | no | ||||
zeroclipboard 2.1.5 | yes | no | ||||
leaflet-fullscreen | yes | no | ||||
eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker ~3.1.3 | yes | no |
Source Files
List of source files, including code, documentation and data, including:
- File name
- License
- Copyright Holder (if known)
- License header included?
- Issue? (link if issue if one exists)
- Ok? (Yes/No/Black implies not checked yet)
- Comment(s)
File | Licence | Copyright Holder | Licenced? | Issue(s)? | Ok? | Comments |
./geonode/documents/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/documents/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/documents/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/documents/management/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/documents/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/documents/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/documents/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/documents/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/documents/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/documents/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/documents/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/documents/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/documents/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/documents/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/management/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/management/commands/lib/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/management/commands/lib/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/templatetags/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/templatetags/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/base/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/api/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/api/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/api/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/api/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/api/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/api/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/tasks/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/tasks/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/tasks/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/tasks/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/tasks/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/management/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/services/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/proxy/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/proxy/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/proxy/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/proxy/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/groups/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/groups/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/groups/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/groups/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/groups/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/groups/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/groups/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/groups/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/groups/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/groups/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/groups/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/management/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/maps/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/security/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/security/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/security/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/security/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/security/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/security/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/geoserver/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/geoserver/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/geoserver/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/geoserver/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/geoserver/management/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/geoserver/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/geoserver/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/geoserver/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/geoserver/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/geoserver/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/geoserver/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/geoserver/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/catalogue/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/catalogue/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/catalogue/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/catalogue/backends/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/catalogue/backends/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/catalogue/backends/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/catalogue/backends/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/catalogue/backends/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/catalogue/backends/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/catalogue/backends/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/catalogue/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/catalogue/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/dynamic/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/dynamic/ | GPLv3 | Neogeo Technologies | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/dynamic/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/dynamic/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/dynamic/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/dynamic/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/dynamic/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/metadataxsl/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/metadataxsl/management/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/metadataxsl/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/metadataxsl/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/metadataxsl/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/metadataxsl/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/metadataxsl/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/favorite/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/favorite/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/favorite/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/favorite/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/favorite/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/favorite/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/exif/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/exif/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/exif/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/site_template/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/site_template/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/site_template/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/site_template/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/fixtures/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/management/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/templatetags/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/templatetags/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geosites/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/slack/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/slack/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/slack/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/slack/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geogig/templatetags/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geogig/templatetags/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/geogig/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/nlp/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/nlp/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/api_basemaps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/api_basemaps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/api_basemaps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/api_basemaps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/api_basemaps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/api_basemaps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/contrib/api_basemaps/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/management/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/management/commands/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
./geonode/layers/migrations/ | GPLv3 | OSGeo | yes | n/a | yes | |
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./docs/tutorials/install_and_admin/geonode_install/create_geonode_db.txt | CC-SA | OSGeo | yes | n/a | todo | |
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./docs/tutorials/devel/devel_debug/index.txt | CC-SA | OSGeo | yes | n/a | todo | |
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./docs/tutorials/devel/geonode_apis/geonode/gsconfig.txt | CC-SA | OSGeo | yes | n/a | todo | |
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./docs/tutorials/devel/geonode_apis/importer/rest_reference.txt | CC-SA | OSGeo | yes | n/a | todo | |
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./docs/tutorials/devel/geonode_apis/importer/installing.txt | CC-SA | OSGeo | yes | n/a | todo | |
./docs/tutorials/devel/geonode_apis/importer/rest_examples.txt | CC-SA | OSGeo | yes | n/a | todo | |
./docs/organizational/index.txt | CC-SA | OSGeo | yes | n/a | todo | |
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./docs/organizational/contribute/contribute_to_documentation.txt | CC-SA | OSGeo | yes | n/a | todo | |
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./docs/organizational/contribute/review_process.txt | CC-SA | OSGeo | yes | n/a | todo | |
./docs/organizational/roadmap.txt | CC-SA | OSGeo | yes | n/a | todo |
Copyright Holders
List or reference all copyright holders of the project's source files. These are all the people that would need to be contacted if the license of the project is to be changed. List:
- Organisation or person
- Contact details for Organisation or person
- Issue? (link if issue if one exists)
- Comments
Copyright Holder | Contact details | Issue? | Comments |
OSGeo | Copyright transferred from OpenPlans which no longer exists |
List or reference a table of committers, including:
- Committer name
- Commit username in code repository
- Committer's employer(s) (if applicable)
- Committer (or employer) has signed contribution agreement? (yes/no)
Committer | Username | Affiliation | Contribution Agrement Signed? | Ok? |
David Winslow | dwins | formerly Boundless/OpenGeo | ||
Sebastian Benthall | sbenthall | formerly Boundless/OpenGeo | ||
Andreas Hocevar | ahocevar | Boundless/OpenGeo | ||
Rolando Peñate | scrollie | formerly Boundless/OpenGeo | ||
Gabriel Roldán | groldan | Boundless/OpenGeo | ||
Luke Tucker | ltucker | formerly Boundless/OpenGeo | ||
Ivan Willig | iwillig | formerly Boundless/OpenGeo | ||
Ariel Núñez | ingenieroariel | World Bank GFDRR / Terranodo | ||
Jeffrey Johnson | jj0hns0n | World Bank GFDRR / Terranodo | ||
Bart van den Eijnden | bartvde | Boundless/OpenGeo | ||
Tom Kralidis | tomkralidis | Unaffiliated | ||
Ian Schneider | ischneider | formerly Boundless/OpenGeo | ||
Matt Bertrand | mbertrand | Formerly Harvard CGA | ||
Matthew Hanson | matthewhanson | Geo Imaging Science | ||
Simone Dalmasso | simod | European Commission JRC (Formerly WFP, ITHACA) | ||
Angelos Tzotsos | kalxas | Remote Sensing Laboratory, NTUA | ||
Paolo Corti | capooti | Harvard CGA (Formerly WFP) | ||
Paolo Pasquali | ppasq | ITHACA | ||
Michael Diener | mdiener21 | |||
Barbara Angerer | b-angerer | |||
Michael Weisman | mweisman | formerly Boundless/OpenGeo | ||
Tyler Garner | garnertb | Prominent Edge (Formerly LMN/Noblis) | ||
Vivien Deparday | vdeparday | World Bank GFDRR | ||
Micah Wengren | mwengren | NOAA | ||
Christian Spanring | cspanring | |||
Mark Illife | markiliffe | World Bank | ||
Jean Jordaan | jean | |||
Humanitarian Information Unit | state-hiu | |||
Derek Hohls | gamesbook | |||
Stefano Menegon | menegon | |||
Patrick Dufour | pjdufour | WFP (Formerly State HIU) | ||
Alessio Fabiani | afabiani | GeoSolutions |
Further Issues
List or reference a list of any outstanding issues not already listed above. Typically link to issues in project's issue tracker.