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OSGeo Member
Name: Paulo van Breugel Pvb small.jpg
Job Title:
Company: consultancy
City: Apeldoorn
Country: the Netherlands
Local Chapter: [[1]]
Instant Messaging:
Language(s): Dutch; English; Portugues
Personal Description : My main research interests are forest and landscape ecology, biogeography, and conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and natural resources. I have worked for international research (Bioversity, ICRAF, ILRI) institutes in Syria, Brazil and Kenya. I am currently working as freelance researcher on ecology & biodiversity and GIS/spatial analyst.
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OSGeo Experience and Roles:

OSGeo User.png  OSGeo Coder.png   I am a strong proponent of open source software and open data as essential components of a more transparent, rapid and inclusive science, especially in ecology, biogeography and conservation sciences. For my spatial analysis I typically use GRASS GIS, R, OGR/GDAL, and QGIS, amongst others. I furthermore use QGIS, Tilemill and Leaflet when I have to create maps (print and online, see e.g., the maps on [[2]]).

I am not really a software developer, but like many GRASS GIS and R users, I know enough of scripting (R, Python, command line) to make my own life easier, and even to write a few simple GRASS GIS addons ;-). I furthermore try to find the time to write down my notes on the use of Open Source software on my blog Ecostudies.