Logo Use
(Moved from Talk:Logo_Contest)
Proposed Use of the Logo
[LOGO + Member]
is good for the 45 to be members to put on the business card.
[LOGO + Associate Member]
This category would fit for all those left out of the initial 45 voting members. Pay 20 bucks and get the sticker?
[LOGO + BoD Member]
is good for the 9 to be board of director members to put on the business card. I have been practicing this for two years now and people like it. On one side of my business card it says "Company CCGIS, Arnulf Christl CKO" and on the flip side it says "Mapbender - Free Software". Or vice versa, CCGIS is on the flip side, depending on who I am talking to...
[LOGO + Sponsor]
is good for companies, organisations, individuals who at some place have put money into OSGeo or otherwise contributed 'notably'. The term 'notably' would have to be defined. Does it time out after 12 months if sponsoring is not renewed? Who is going to control this? On the other hand, why not have people do some advertising for us even though they didn't contribute major? Its a tightrope walk. During the boot process we would want to have as many multipliers as possible, as long as everybody else has more outreach than OSGeo. Later on we might want to have this turned around because then OSGeo visibility will add to the visbility of contributors or sponsors.
[LOGO + Contributor]
Later maybe add, to differentiate and make it a Sponsor only when more than 10K or something.
[LOGO + Core Project]
To be linked with the download package. This would apply to adopted projects that have run through incubation successfully.
See Also: OSGeo Project Branding
It is standard pratice to not download the logo but link it from the originating website. SourceForge does it with a little script.
<IMG src="http://sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=62962&type=5" width="210" height="62" border="0" alt="SourceForge Logo">
This would give us some feedback on where the logo appears and maybe prevents at least some people from abusing it. Somebody would have to check this every now and then or provide web statistics.
Ahhh, I hate it: New MS IE versions by default block images when they are linked from an IP that differs to the originating web site IP. Then the logo won't show up. Minor problem, will probably be addressed when they fixed MS IE. Or finally succeeded deleting the internet...
Now, wait a second. This means that the whole idea of OWS goes awry!? OWS Clients oftentimes link services by calling them with JavaScript from the respective servers directly and overlay them in the mapframe. So whenever IE blocks images that come from a different server no maps will show up. Not even an error message is displayed. I can't believe this. Can somebody please by default block Microsoft software from the internet?