Skype meeting 18-09-2017
Gaël Johan Maëlle Tommy
* Program * Call for Maps * Call for sponsors * Registration & catering * Call for volunteers * OSGeo.be General assembly * Miscellaneous
The idea of a closing keynote is accepted. We have two possibilities : either we invite someone (Maria) or we use one of the presentation (the person from the European commission, ...) as a closing keynote. We also need to fix thinf for the other tracks.
Action: Maëlle : send mail to Maria to see if she can attend and be the closing keynoter
Action: Johan : contact the submitters in order to confirm their presence and ask them to send their presentation ASAP
Action: Johan : work on second version of the program (side tracks, people coming from another country in the afternoon, ...)
Call for Maps
Action: Johan : ask Roël to send a call for maps reminder
Call for sponsors
Gaël will review the text and send a definitive version (in french). Dirk will translate the CFS in Dutch.
Action: Gaël : send a definitive version (in french)
Action: Dirk : translate CFS in dutch
Action: Marc, Dirk : contact directly potential sponsors
Registration and catering
Marc has made a pre-version of the EventBrite event but we still wait for Rita's feedback about the catering.
Action: Rita : contact the catering companies and send the results
Action: Marc : post the EventBrite event
Call for volunteers
Joah wil ask Oliver if he can send the call for volunteers
Action: Johan : ask Oliver to take care of the call for volunteers
OSGeo.be General assembly
Tommy will prepare a first agenda.
Action: Tommy : send a preliminary agenda
The next skype meeting is scheduled for September 25, 18:00.