FOSS4G2019 Q&A Full Proposal Bucharest
Revision as of 08:58, 9 December 2017 by Stevenfeldman (talk | contribs)
Questions Paul Ramsey
- Your venue + AV quote is EUR66745. You use a number of different venues, have you validated that quote or is it a guesstimate? Similarly, since A/V (traditionally a significant expense) is wrapped in, is that locked down with a quote?
- Does the AV quote include recording? If not, what are your plans for session recording?
- You are recording exhibition revenue but don't have a budget line for variable exhibition expenses (booth, table, power, network).
- Your venue description does not mention the exhibition area? How does that relate to the track rooms and meal rooms? Is the exhibition central, integrated with meal times, etc?
- You have polled prior sponsors, which is well and good, but usually local non-repeating sponsors form a core part of the sponsorship budget. Do you have target local sponsors, corporate and government?
- Can you speak to the logistics of the plenaries being in a theatre and the multi-track conference at the InterContinental?
- Similarly with the workshops at their own venue, how does it relate to the main conference sites?
Questions Steven Feldman
- You say "the continuation of the Travel Grant Program for students” - do you intend to restrict TGP to students? In 2017 we focussed on people from lower income economies
- It appears that your maximum attendance is 1000 delegates? In 2016 we had 950 approx and in 2017 we had 1150 approx, how would you manage if there was demand for more than 1000?
- Please clarify your plans to record sessions (all or some?)
- Will you be streaming any sessions live? If so, just keynotes or all sessions?
- Your sponsorship target is very low compared to recent FOSS4Gs, do you foresee a problem in attracting sponsors? Perhaps you might consider lower rates or some early booker incentives?
- How low would your attendance have to be to require the OSGeo guarantee that you have requested (assume you have correctly estimated costs)
- You plan for 208 presentations sessions, this seems low can you explain? Is there capacity to increase?
- Do the academic track presentations eat into the 208 general presentations or are they additional?
- Is there room capacity for 1000 attendees in the presentation track?
- How have you accounted for VAT on ticket sales and expenses?
- Have you allowed enough for the costs of a registration service e.g. eventbrite and credit card fees
- Have you allowed enough for further discounts to registrations for students etc?
- Have you allowed enough for the free tickets for workshop presenters?
- I think the sponsorship estimates are overly cautious which will offset some under budgeting
- 5% is a low contingency, I suggest a higher level, say 10%