Face to Face Meeting Dar es Salaam 2018
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This board meeting is scheduled for the 31. of August 2018 at 16.00 UTC after FOSS4G 2018 in Dar Es Salaam). Maybe we also use IRC (WebChat), a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.
Current items
Items in italic are recurring at each meeting.
Note that the meeting is limited to 1 hour.
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes
- treasurer report
- secretary report recap
- find a good meeting time for our board meetings
- discuss contact management with sponsors
- appoint cro, discuss elections
- add your items here
- Presiding: Jody
- Scribing: Michael
- Angelos (remote)
- Astrid
- Helena
- Jeff
- Jody
- Maria A
- Maria B
- Vasile
- Michael (remote)
- Andrea Aime
- Malena Libman
Review and approve past minutes
Board Meeting 2018-07-05
MOT1: Approve meeting minutes from Board Meeting (Loomio)
- All: +1
- Loomio: https://www.loomio.org/d/r21Ql0PI/approve-meeting-minutes-from-board-meeting-2018-07-05
Status: Passed.
Treasurer report
- Funds are good
- Have Euro account via TransferWise
- We have received some Funds from Bonn but not all
- Budget execution better this year but many projects have not requested
- Profits from Dar going to Travel Grant and Crowd2Map
Secretary report
- received mou's
- gitea project created, for cla's etc
- making motions now
question: do have a cla email address?
- Have a hall of fame on website?
- spotlight thing?
MOT2: Board Meeging Time
- Mot2: Passed,
- All voting +1 Second Sat / Month, at 1600 UTC
Contact Management
- Higher Levels potentially
- changes for next board in Nov
- Sponsorship renewals not followed up
- Jeff has very positive experience with contact management service
- table until
Discussion on how to recoqnize core contributors and in kind contributions
Change Code Sprint application process
- discussing the concept of risk sharing, that osgeo can be on the hook for potential losses for an event up to a preset amount
- clarify requirements / application process for funding
CRO discussion
- SAC ticket created - follow up to make sure its completed
- updated charter member list (vicky)
- discussion on should we add all without neg or 55% vote on new charter members