Board Meeting 2019-11-25
This board meeting is scheduled Monday 25 November 2019 at 16:00 - 17:00 UTC, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.
Current items
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes
- Board Meeting 2019-08-24 Face to Face Meeting Bucharest 2019
- Board Meeting 2019-11-04
- PROJ incubation graduation, recognition as OSGeo Project
- PROJ has completed PROJ Incubation Checklist, Micheal Smith acting as mentor, reviewed and accepted by the incubation committee
- Kristian Evers has volunteered as project officer
- We may wish to update 2019 budget to reflect new project
- Rasdaman has met requirements to join OSGeo Community program
- Requirements have been reviewed and accepted by the incubation committee, see email list for details
- Funding for workshop in AfricaGIS 2019 conference [1]
- Contacting projects and committees for OSGeo Budget 2020
- Review OSGeo Project Map Fish status
- Project has been renamed to GeoMapFish
- No longer meets osgeo project requirements (although PSC asked for more time and we were glad they took part in AGM)
- GeoNetwork open layers migration code-sprint funding request 500 EUR
- GeoNetwork's operational budget updated to reflect PSC decisions
- OSGEO4W roadmap initial discussion
- Presiding: Maria
- Scribing: Angelos
- Attending: Victoria, Michael, Angelos, Tom, Maria, Astrid, Helena, Jody
'Review and approve past minutes
Board Meeting 2019-08-24 Face to Face Meeting Bucharest 2019
- Seek to approve this while board members present are available
- WIki page has attached PFF
MOT1: Approve Face to Face Meeting Bucharest 2019
- Maria: +1 initial motion
- Angelos: +1 seconded
- Astrid: +1 seconded
- Helena: +0
- Victoria: +1
- Michael: +1
- Tom: +1
- Jody: +1
Status: Passed during meeting
MOT2: Approve Minutes from 2019-11-04
- Maria: +1 initial motion
- Angelos: +1 seconded
- Astrid: +1
- Helena: +1
- Victoria: +1
- Michael: +1
- Tom: +1
- Jody: +1
Status: Passed during meeting
PROJ incubation graduation, recognition as OSGeo Project
PROJ has completed PROJ Incubation Checklist, Micheal Smith acting as mentor, reviewed and accepted by the incubation committee, Kristian Evers has volunteered as project officer, We may wish to update 2019 budget to reflect new project
Michael Smith as mentor provided background on why PROJ entered incubation. As a long standing project "the review went fairly quick as much had already been done"
MOT3: Recognize PROJ as an OSGeo Project
- Maria: +1 initial motion
- Angelos: +1 seconded
- Astrid: +1
- Helena: +1
- Victoria: +1
- Michael: +1
- Tom: +1
Status: Passed during meeting
MOT4: Recognize Kristian Evers as project officer for the PROJ
- Jody: +1 initial motion
- Maria: +1 seconded
- Angelos: +1
- Astrid: +1
- Helena: +1
- Victoria: +1
- Michael: +1 seconded
- Tom: +1
Status: Passed during meeting
MOT5: Extend budget of 2019 to cover PROJ
- Maria: +1 initial motion
- Tom: +1
- Angelos: -1 (Budget 2020 is around the corner and the new project can ask until then)
Status: Motion not approved
- Project representative was not present, and project has not requested an amount
- ACTION: Michael will reach out to the project about budget action money handling
- ACTION: Michael to make news item for website
- ACTION: (done) update project status on website
Update: EvenR attended late as Kristian was unavailable, other members could not quite figure out where the meeting is, etc...
Rasdaman has met requirements to join OSGeo Community program
Requirements have been reviewed and accepted by the incubation committee, see email list for details.
MOT 6: Approve Rasdaman as an OSGeo Community Project
- Angelos: +1 initial motion
- Maria: +1 seconded
- Astrid: +1
- Helena: +1
- Victoria: +1
- Michael: +1
- Tom: +1
- Jody: +0
Status: Passed during meeting
- Some confusion about board or incubation committee making these changes
- ACTION: Jody and Peter Bauman will coordinate on news item announcement.
Update: pedbau attended a bit later for rasdaman project and was congratulated.
Funding for workshop in AfricaGIS 2019 conference
Email request Funding for workshop in AfricaGIS 2019 conference
- This activity already completed last week, for GIS Day
- This was not addressed last meeting due to lack of budget information. Pekka was busy and did not have time to write back about budget/funding
- Pekka was not invited to the meeting
- Event looked successful on twitter
Contacting projects and committees for OSGeo Budget 2020
- ACTION: Angelos to contact projects and committees for 2020 budget
- This activity will largely fall to the next board
Review OSGeo Project Map Fish status
Project has been renamed to GeoMapFish, No longer meets osgeo project requirements (although PSC asked for more time and we were glad they took part in AGM)
- Email discussion was extensive,
- "Will the real mapfish please swim up
- Discussion how how to handle
- Maira/Angelos asks if we can continue via email, if the old PSC and new PSC find common ground
- Jody focused on the MapFish and GeoMapFish projects not meeting our graduation requirements, and not oppertuning as an OSGeo committee
- GeoMapFish PSC asked for a delay in august
- Discussion on if this is the incubation committee, or osgeo board issue to resolve
- Committee formed at end of graduation, and reports to board, it has been inactive as a committee
- Michael: "ship of theseus problem"
MOT7: Remove Mapfish from OSGeo Projects and start negotiating with GeoMapFish to join us
- Maria: +0 initial motion
- Angelos: -1 (we should move MapFish to Community status, not just remove it completely)
Status: Motion not approved
- Got stuck on meaning of negotiate
MOT8: Move Mapfish to Community Project status
- Maria: +1 initial motion
- Jody: +1 seconded
- Michael: +1
- Angelos: +1
- Astrid: +1
- Helena: +1
- Victoria: +1
- Tom: +1
Status: Passed during meeting
- ACTION: Jody to ask MapFish for code of conduct file
GeoNetwork open layers migration code-sprint
funding request 500 EUR, GeoNetwork's operational budget updated to reflect PSC decisions
- No geonetwork-psc representative present, Jeroen is project officer
- Maira indicates project budget is not spent, PSC could make use of that for code sprint
- Jody attended geonetwork PSC meeting, operational budget already allocated
- project operational budget not the same thing as a code sprint budget request
MOT9: Approve GeoNetwork codesprint funding request (500â EURO)
- Maria: +0 initial motion
- Helena: +1 seconded
- Jody: +1
- Michael: +1
- Angelos: +1
- Astrid: +1
- Victoria: +1
- Tom: +1
Status: Passed during meeting
OSGEO4W roadmap initial discussion
Maria requests an extension to Meeting time to take in this item.
OSGEO4W email from Paolo
- technical discussion
- discussion of importance for infrastructure, outreach
- backed by qgis and volunteer work
- asks how OSGeo can support in a structured way?
- Maria asks if the project could enter incubation?
- OSGeo4W is already an OSGeo community project, too small for a PSC required by incubation
- action: Ask on the board email list for funding