OGC Certification Services

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Does your FOSS4G project implement or is compliant to Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specifications? Given OSGeo's Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the OGC, OSGeo provides the following services for OSGeo community, incubating or official projects.

OGC Certification

OGC certification is broken down into three categories:

  • Implementing: product implements an OSGeo standard
  • Certified: product has passed OGC Compliance test for one or more OGC standards
  • Reference: implementation that is free and publicly available to developers for testing purposes

OGC certification is required annual basis for all projects.

Demo hosting

If your project is an OGC Reference Implementation you are required to provide a public demonstration instance. SAC provides hosting services and is able to create dedicated VMs on a project specific basis with automation capabilities (Docker etc.), daily/weekly backups and metrics/monitoring to ensure uptime and availability.

Priority is given to OSGeo projects which are OGC Reference Implementations.

How to Get Started

Requesting Certification


Requesting a VM

Open a ticket on the OSGeo issue tracker with your request for a VM (Component: Systems Admin)