Board Meeting 2021-10-03
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This board meeting is scheduled Sunday 03 October 2021 at 13:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker. This is a 4h board meeting considered as F2F for FOSS4G 2021.
Current items
- roll call
- Review and approve past minutes
- AGM outcome
- OSGeo Community Project check-in, request clarification on handling of platform applicants
- Feedback from GIZ/GEO
- B2B initiative (global chapter)
- Pretalx / Pretix services for FOSS4G and Local Chapters
- Update on OGC OSGeo MoU
- Elections preparations
- Add your topic here
- Presiding:
- Scribing:
- Attending:
- Guests:
AGM outcome
Questions from AGM:
- In one session, yesterday, the suggestion came up to have a dedicated track on education at (local and global) FOSS4G. Is there a central place to keep track of such suggestions for the future LOCs ?
- Climate crisis is the major issue for humanity in the years to come. We saw a lot of talks concerning EO related to climate crisis, and this is good. Does the OSGeo foundation need to adapt to handle this topic more or differently ?
- What is the most active/preferred communication collaboration channel (short of issue-specific Git-based communications) that provides cross-pollination of users and developers? The osgeo community/communications page seems quite fragmented. Slack, email lists, social media, IRC chat...
- Are there any plans for comprehensive workshops, (1-2-3 days) where we could get up to speed with certain open source programs? We get all the good "teasers" during the conference, but we get stuck fast in the usage/deployment of tools. In this way we can as well get up to speed on how to contribute to those give projects.
- Does anyboday know if there's a community developing a cloud GIS with functionalities like ArcGIS Online? RStudio for instance has a complete cloud version which works the same than the desktop version?
- Are there resources with arguments/justification for convincing a private company or supported government agency to provide either direct sponsorship $$ support or donate/encourage developer time as "in kind"/"professional development"?
- At the beginning, you mention you need more people. Could you please precise in which part / domain or to do a specific task ?
- This is my first conference about OpenSource GIS (at work we use proprietary GIS software). From the exposure at this conference I have seen that there are LOTS of options and in some cases some solutions have specialized advantages and I can't tell what easily works together. Is there any kind of "family tree" of OpenSource GIS Developments that work together well or are derived from each other?
- Could we promote, be a member and participate without financing osgeo ?
- Could OSGeo push/fund cross-project development, such as a rerun of the WMS Shootout, or OGC Features API Shootout?
- Does OSGeo have a protocol for sponsoring, giving guidance, or even joining as an organizer about hackathons* ? *(promoted by organizations as government or companies that doesn't have a direct relation with OSGeo) Answered during AGM Financial guidance
- Is the preference to generate sponsorship at the OSGeo level, or should individual projects also be trying to raise their own sponsorship?
- What is the process for submitting/proposing a project?
- Where should one find out more about contribution opportunities?
- Is there an aspect in the GIS/Geo world that you feel is missing in the current zoo of osgeo projects? Answered during AGM
- Could you comment on the GDAL funding, and how relations between Numfocus and OSGeo work in that case ? Answered during AGM
- Sorry. didn't read through the financial report, but how are finances generally going ? (thinking of the impact of cancelled conference etc) Answered during AGM
- no log, Will be a meeting on jitsi