Board Meeting 2021-10-03

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This board meeting is scheduled Sunday 03 October 2021 at 13:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker. This is a 4h board meeting considered as F2F for FOSS4G 2021.


Current items

  1. roll call
  2. Review and approve past minutes
  3. AGM outcome
  4. OSGeo Community Project check-in, request clarification on handling of platform applicants
  5. Feedback from GIZ/GEO
  6. B2B initiative (global chapter)
  7. Pretalx / Pretix services for FOSS4G and Local Chapters
  8. Update on OGC OSGeo MoU
  9. Elections preparations
  10. Add your topic here


  • Presiding:
  • Scribing:
  • Attending:
  • Guests:

AGM outcome

Questions from AGM:

  1. In one session, yesterday, the suggestion came up to have a dedicated track on education at (local and global) FOSS4G. Is there a central place to keep track of such suggestions for the future LOCs ?
  2. Climate crisis is the major issue for humanity in the years to come. We saw a lot of talks concerning EO related to climate crisis, and this is good. Does the OSGeo foundation need to adapt to handle this topic more or differently ?
  3. What is the most active/preferred communication collaboration channel (short of issue-specific Git-based communications) that provides cross-pollination of users and developers? The osgeo community/communications page seems quite fragmented. Slack, email lists, social media, IRC chat...
  4. Are there any plans for comprehensive workshops, (1-2-3 days) where we could get up to speed with certain open source programs? We get all the good "teasers" during the conference, but we get stuck fast in the usage/deployment of tools. In this way we can as well get up to speed on how to contribute to those give projects.
  5. Does anyboday know if there's a community developing a cloud GIS with functionalities like ArcGIS Online? RStudio for instance has a complete cloud version which works the same than the desktop version?
  6. Are there resources with arguments/justification for convincing a private company or supported government agency to provide either direct sponsorship $$ support or donate/encourage developer time as "in kind"/"professional development"?
  7. At the beginning, you mention you need more people. Could you please precise in which part / domain or to do a specific task ?
  8. This is my first conference about OpenSource GIS (at work we use proprietary GIS software). From the exposure at this conference I have seen that there are LOTS of options and in some cases some solutions have specialized advantages and I can't tell what easily works together. Is there any kind of "family tree" of OpenSource GIS Developments that work together well or are derived from each other?
  9. Could we promote, be a member and participate without financing osgeo ?
  10. Could OSGeo push/fund cross-project development, such as a rerun of the WMS Shootout, or OGC Features API Shootout?
  11. Does OSGeo have a protocol for sponsoring, giving guidance, or even joining as an organizer about hackathons* ? *(promoted by organizations as government or companies that doesn't have a direct relation with OSGeo) Answered during AGM Financial guidance
  12. Is the preference to generate sponsorship at the OSGeo level, or should individual projects also be trying to raise their own sponsorship?
  13. What is the process for submitting/proposing a project?
  14. Where should one find out more about contribution opportunities?
  15. Is there an aspect in the GIS/Geo world that you feel is missing in the current zoo of osgeo projects? Answered during AGM
  16. Could you comment on the GDAL funding, and how relations between Numfocus and OSGeo work in that case ? Answered during AGM
  17. Sorry. didn't read through the financial report, but how are finances generally going ? (thinking of the impact of cancelled conference etc) Answered during AGM


  • no log, Will be a meeting on jitsi

Next meeting