Board Meeting 2022-08-27
This board meeting is scheduled Saturday 27 August 2022 at 07:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker. F2F meeting at code sprint venue in Florence Italy
Current items
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes
- approve pygeoapi as OSGeo project
- OGC Updates
- OSGeo OGC Committee
- Reference implementations
- Budget for OGC participation (meetings/code sprint attendance, etc.)
- Elections
- CRO members for 2022 elections
- Summary of F2F meeting with OSGeo/OSM/HOT communities
- FOSS4G locations
- Geo-ethics Locus Charter
- Projects:
- OSSIM inactive for 3 years (statement based on Report from incubator)
- MapFish inactive for 3 years (statement based on Report from incubator)
- Marble has not reported for 2 years
- Website
- Discuss: Member pages (hide members without filled profile)
- Action: Project's update officers/representative
- Post Action: Generate automatically the list of project officers
- Discuss: Statement on report slide mentions that: "From the committees' pages you will find the missions, names of the people involved, and links to the working documents." That is not true.
- Post Action?: Work the committees similarly as projects. Where officer can be assigned, and active members of the committee can be listed.
- Discuss: Charter member pages: Use name + last name.
- Discuss: Use tags on news items (to help out with the Annual report).
- Discuss: Auto move the old un-format-able "Biography" (Now Mission) to the format-able Biography.
- News Vs Community news
- OSGeo Code Sprint 2023
- Creation of Conference Working Group
- Feedback from AGM
- Sustainability - how to operate FOSS4G in a climate and ecosystem crisis (Vincent P)
- Engaging younger contributors (?)
- Project retirement (Louis de Souza)
- UN open GIS: OSGEO board rep? What does OSGeo want?
- Why are we promoting hybrid GIS? Can OSGeo put money into crisis response?
- People need to have a ‘whole solution’ - are we communicating enough that there are companies that can respond
- Advocacy challenge: maybe its not a company, people can just do it (Jody)
- OSGeo in research (Peter Lowe)
- Add your topic here
- Presiding:
- Scribing:
- Attending:
- Guests:
- no log, a jitsi meeting