Board Meeting 2023-02-27
This board meeting is scheduled Monday 27 February 2023 at 16:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on Loomio and actions on the OSGeo todo issue tracker.
Current items
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes
- Executive positions
- OSGeo Standards Committee update [1]
- OSGeo security initiative
- OSGeo sponsorship prospectus
- JRC meeting feedback
- org.opengis name usage by GeoTools
- GeoStyler code sprint [2]
- GISTAM 2023
- Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) Secretariat at UN-Habitat request
- Local Chapter Brazil
- GISRUK 2023 request for support [3]
- Add your topic here
- Presiding: Mike
- Scribing: Angelos
- Attending: Mike, Rajat, Ariel, Tom, Angelos, Marco, Vicky
- Guests:
Review and approve past minutes
- Board_Meeting_2023-01-30
- Motion passed on Loomio:
Executive positions
- Postponed to next meeting
OSGeo Standards Committee update
- New committee, renamed from OGC committee to Standards committee.
- Terms of Reference now approved from the committee
- Expecting the committee to get many members due to free membership
- Motion to approve the Standards committee open on Loomio:
- ACTION: Angelos to move the motion to Loomio (DONE)
OSGeo security initiative
- similar model to code-sprints:
- Require a CVE to participate.
- Priority emergency funding.
- Secondary preventative measures
- Discussion on how this would work?
- Do we need a group responsible to run this initiative?
- Do we need a committee? A working group? Or does the Board address this on a case by case basis?
- How much budget to assign to this initiative.
- Move this to next meeting for further discussion
OSGeo sponsorship prospectus
- Postponed to next meeting
JRC meeting feedback
- FOSS4G 2023
- European Track
- Commission partnership:
- status of OSGeo Europe
- JRC open source solutions: Re3gistry and ETF
- OSGeoLive
- other opportunities
- open source in EO
- JRC work on EuroGEO and links with the OSS4gEO project
- Other events
- OGC Member meeting, Frascati, 20-24 February
- Support to the Interoperable Europe Act
- ACTION (Angelos): provide resources and interviews with OSGeo board/community members
- To be further discussed at the next board meeting.
org.opengis name usage by GeoTools
Postponed to next meeting
GeoStyler code sprint
- Postponed to next meeting
- Postponed to next meeting
Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) Secretariat at UN-Habitat request
- Postponed to next meeting
Local Chapter Brazil
- Discussed about the options for starting/updating a local chapter.
GISRUK 2023 request for support
- Postponed to next meeting
New Meeting Schedule
- Proposal: Last Tuesday every month, 1800 UTC
- no log, Jitsi meeting