Board Meeting 2023-03-28
This board meeting is scheduled Tuesday 28 March 2023 at 18:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on Loomio and actions on the OSGeo todo issue tracker.
Current items
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes
- Executive positions
- OSGeo security initiative
- OSGeo sponsorship prospectus
- org.opengis name usage by GeoTools
- GeoStyler code sprint [1]
- GRASS GIS code sprint [2]
- deegree code sprint [3]
- BIDS 2023 Code sprint [4]
- FOSS4G 2023 related topic: proposal for an MoU between OSGEO Foundation, FLOSSK (FOSS4G 2023 LOC) and Municipality of Prizren
- GISTAM 2023
- QGIS 2023 Code sprint
- AGM preparations
- GISRUK 2023 request for support [5]
- Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) Secretariat at UN-Habitat request
- Add your topic here
- Presiding: Angelos
- Scribing: Vicky & Marco
- Attending: Vicky, Marco, Angelos, Codrina, Rajat, Ariel, Mike
- Guests: Enock, Astrid, Jody
Review and approve past minutes
- Board_Meeting_2023-02-27
- Motion open on Loomio
Executive positions
- ACTION: Angelos to move to loomio for discussion and motions (Done)
OSGeo security initiative
- Discussion started at the last meeting.
- ACTION: Create an initiative page (draft on wiki first) (we need a volunteer)
- ACTION: open trac ticket for mailing list (we need a volunteer)
OSGeo sponsorship prospectus
- Postponed from last meeting
- Perhaps wait so as not to conflict with the FOSS4G sponsorship effort.
- Preparation is not happening in a month.
- Thinking more about next year: when to send in october.
- ACTION: Properly list the sponsors on the web page (we need a volunteer)
org.opengis name usage by GeoTools
- Feedback from meeting with OGC, Apache SIS and GeoTools.
- Initiative page is up:
- Apache board did not participate
- OGC is neutral & receptive
- OGC has an upcoming meeting and would like an issue in their issue tracker to discuss.
- Ideally this could be a joint-initiative 🙂
- ACTION: Jody to add opengis-harmonization initiative to initiative menu (DONE)
- ACTION: Jeroen: Bolsena should actually put code-sprint on the event calendar …
GeoStyler code sprint
- GeoStyler is a community project:
- Check on shared-risk according to guidelines:
- Some in-kind sponsorship included in the proposal
- ACTION: Angelos to make a motion to loomio (done)
GRASS GIS code sprint
- ACTION: Angelos to make a motion to loomio
deegree code sprint
- ACTION: Angelos to make a motion to loomio (seconded by Michael)
BIDS 2023 Code sprint
- Should we target an OSGeo code sprint during this event?
- ACTION: Codrina to ask ESA
MoU between OSGEO Foundation, FLOSSK (FOSS4G 2023 LOC) and Municipality of Prizren
- Provide the draft MOU
- ACTION: Codrina to answer with e-mail. Ask about the purpose of the MOU long term. How urgent is this request?
- OSGeo can not provide free attendance or lower costs to conference as this decision resides with conference committee
- Re dissemination: they can directly reach out to the community via mailing lists
- ACTION: Angelos to answer with e-mail.
QGIS 2023 Code sprint
- Already 54 participants
- Request for funding 5000€ [6]
- ACTION: Marco to send mail to board mailing list, then motion to loomio to approve.
AGM preparations
- ACTION: Vicky to send e-mail to discuss
- Presentation template:
GISRUK 2023 request for support
- Funding ECRs support
- ACTION: Angelos to make a motion to loomio
Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) Secretariat at UN-Habitat request
- Postponed to the next meeting or follow up on the mailing list.
- no log, Jitsi meeting