GeoEvenement 2007
- Link to the guideline :
- Booth owner : Yves Jacolin
Proposing Participation at an Event
What the event is
see (Fr) for more information.
Geoevenement is the french geomatics tradeshows. If offers booth, thematics conferences and Birds of a feather. This years, more than 35 companies will get a booth whose 10 from opensource community ! Camptocamp, Waynasoft, Makine Corpus, ...
The conference thematics are:
- 1 million gps sent in France in 2006: what does it mean?
- From spatial data insfrastructure to geoportail: process and issues.
- How use GIS tools with modelisation and simulation tools?
- Geographic information handle by urbanism.
- To a new parcel referentiel?
- How does we can appropiate opensource technologies?
Where and when
The GeoEvenement tradeshow will take place in Paris, from 3th to 5th Arpril 2007
How will our participation help OSGeo
The main purpose of this event is to give informations about OSGeo's missions and project, and about futur francophone local chapter.
- About OSGeo:
- spreading the Open Source message in general
- publicizing OsGeo projects
- explains OSGeo missions,
- ...
- About francophone local chapter:
- information about the local chapter creation, where we are in the creation process, what we need to do next, which help we need, ...
- meet people interesting in contributing in a BoF,
- ...
What funding
We estimate the budget of the booth between 1500 and 2000$, depending on the budget asked by the Open Source village organizer.
What we need:
- paying booth fees
- brochure about OSGeo
- brochure about projects
- poster (?)
- T-shirt (?)
- Information about OSGeo structure and organisation (to be writing in the francophone local chapter wiki)
- ...
This part will be fill as soon as sponsorship will be accepted by Viscom. The OSGeo booth will take place in the opensource village which will gather more than 7 french opensource companies.
Find other volunteers to help out
Volunteers :
- Yves Jacolin
- Marie Silvestre
- Hervé Halbout
- Thomas Gratier
- Vincent Picavet
- François Van der Biest
What opportunities for speakers are available
We plan to do:
- conference: the 5th of april, in the morning
- Open Source Village will propose some conference, two will be about OSGeo (fondation and LC for the firts, and Projects for the second)
- panels and booth in the opensource village.
- bof: the 4th of april, 14h00 in the GéoCafé
BOF/interest group session
- bof will take place the 4th of april at 14h00 in the GeoCafé.
- topic:
- Place of the francophone LC in the french geomatics community
- How does fr LC can be organized?
- What can be the place ofr companies inside the fr LC?
- ...
- Off meetings at the end of the tradeshow, time will be publish during the tradseshow.
After the Event
Synthesis will come soon.
OSGeo was present at the Géoévénement tradeshow with a booth inside a Open Source Village. A "big poster" was created as well as some brochure in french to present OSGeo and a short description for each project. The booth was in a great place (close to the main entry). On three days, we can meet more than 30 people and chat with them about OSGeo, projects, ...
- What is OSGeo?
- Is OSGeo different than AFIGEO?
- What is the différence between OSGeo and OGC?
- Does I am to paid something or subscribe to be an OSGeo member?
- How can I contribute?
- How can I find what are the needs?
- Where can I read the process to contribute?
- Who can be contacted?
- Have you got some proejcts demonstration on Live-CD or anywhere?
- Have you got any example for projects?
- Example about contribution ?
- Example about funding projects ?
- What is the equivalent of MapInfo/Cartes et Bases in Open Source ?
- Do you think you will create an annuary about project with a comparison for each?
- Does it exist a simple tools to create a WMS webService?
- Does OSGeo propose some formation?
- Does OSGeo fund some external projects?
This meeting took place at the GéoCafé (an open central place in the tradeshow) on the wednesday 4th of april at 14h00. About 20 people participated. The content was :
- OSGeo Présentation
- Presentation of the Local and Francophone Chapter
- Some topic to discuss
- How can we organize ourself? : Organisation, election, ...
- Which place can take the francophone Chapter? Contact some association which are some commun missions (join, organize, structuration, ...)
- Launch the debate
- How companies can take place inside the francophone local chapter:
- companies have the same place than inside OSGeo (sponsor), members are only physical member.
- Creation of a webring : définition, Association de webRing
- How to know the interest of people for the francophone local chapter?
- Write a poll (in french) for contributor and user
- A first poll (and quickle) has been done : 7 people are just user, 6 are contributor (possibility to be an user AND a contributor ;-), 3 potentials contributors about the "spatial data", 7 about 'FOSS' and 4 about 'free association' (this 3 themes are the 3 mains missions defined by Francophone mailing list).
- About spatial data, how host data? Where? how? Do we need to set up a data catalog?
- How can organize election? proposition about the process:
- creation of an email adress manage by someone whom is not link to the francophone local chapter
- voting
- publish the result
- Others:
- The poll could allow to create a todo list for each missions, upon contributors/users.
- The organisation of the francophone local chapter: president/commitee manager/project manager if needed.
Conferecnes about Open Source thematic are a great success. People asked a lot of question as we can saw it at the booth: OSGeo presentation - organisation, incubation process, funding, ...- projects presentation - comparatif, demonstration, ...
Conferences are :
1. Rising of a FOSS industrial ecosystem - David Jonglez, Camptocamp France SAS et François Badet, WaynaSoft 2. OSGéo : why a francophone local chapter is important? - Yves Jacolin, Géorezo et Gwenael Bachelot, Autodesk 3. Free GIS : freeness for reachness? - Nicolas Klein, SI17 4. Some element to compare 3 FOSS - Olivier Ertz, Erwan Bocher, Nicolas Ribot et Yves Jacolin 5. Development of an Information System for water (SGBD - SIG) in the Charente - Harold Rethoret, EPTB Charente