Journal Volume 3
This is the planning and work page for the OSGeo Journal - Volume 3 publication.
If you want to contribute an article, add it to this list in the appropriate category.
Please review the Journal License and Guidelines page before adding your article to either article list.
- Articles welcome: Now
- Articles requiring peer review, Submission Ends: September 30, 2007
- Article Submission Ends: October 10, 2007
- First Draft: October 25, 2007
- Final Publication: November 15, 2007
Special Edition - FOSS4G Proceedings
This volume of the Journal will have a focus on the proceedings and papers presented at the Conference Event. There will still be room for other articles, though it may be limited depending on how many articles come from the conference presenters. If there are many FOSS4G articles, then the 'normal' articles will be postponed to the next volume.
If you are interested in providing a paper for this purpose, please add yourself to the following section. Otherwise, add your normal article to the sections further below.
- Your FOSS4G paper goes here.... include your name, your email and the title of your article
- Hans Plum, Markus Lupp, Interoperabilty for 3D geodata: Experiences with CityGML and OGC Web Services
- Barde Julien,, A generic approach to manage metadata standards
- Peter Staub,, A Model-Driven Web Feature Service for Enhanced Semantic Interoperability
- Stefan Keller, sfkeller (at), db4o2D - Object Database Extension for 2D Geospatial Types
- Martin Mergili, martin.mergili (at), GRASS GIS and modelling of natural hazards: an integrated approach for debris flow simulation
- Nirut Chalaini, Junya Sano, and Toshimi Minoura,, Automatic Generation of Web-Based GIS/Database Applications
- Hugo Conceição, Luís Damas, Michel Ferreira and João Barros,, The DIVERT Project: Development of Inter-Vehicular Reliable Telematics
- David Vaz and Michel Ferreira, - Spatial-Yap: A Spatio-Deductive Database System.
Normal Edition
Contributors / Topics
See Journal for definition of the following categories. Add yourself if you are interested. Note that all categories don't have to be filled, so this serves as a rough outline for the types of content we generally hope to have.
- Tyler Mitchell: General updates
- Editor: Jason Fournier
- Additional contributors welcome...
Event Reports (2-3 articles)
- ...
Project Introductions (1-2 articles)
- ...
Case Studies (2-3 articles)
- Peter Löwe: Wanderlust 2.0: The state and future of hiking trail management in Germany with FOSS GIS
- Peter Wilkins: An Image Request application using FOSS4G tools
Integration Studies (2-3 articles)
- ...
Topical Studies (1-2 articles)
- Markus Neteler: Open Source Quality Assessment System: The GRASS Case (aboutGRASS-QA)
- ...
Programming Tutorials (1-2 articles)
- ...
- ...
Developer Announcements
- OSGeo project summaries
- OSGeo Local Chapter updates
- deegree3: the shape of things to come. (Markus Lupp)
- ...