GeoConnexion Column
This is the home page for "Open Sources", the OSGeo column in GeoConnexion magazine. Contact mpg if you're interested in helping out.
Editorial Calender
- (1) introductory column (Michael P. Gerlek)
- completed and published PDF
- (2) ossimPlanet (Mark Lucas)
- completed and published PDF
- (3) BigTIFF (Frank Warmerdam)
- completed and published PDF
- (4) TOPP/GeoServer (Chris Holmes)
- completed and published
- (5) "The Gift Economy Ain't Free: Getting Help with Open Source Software" (Hobu)
- completed and published
- (6) OpenLayers + TileCache (Schuyler Erle)
- completed; not yet published
- January 2007 -- (7) Mapbender ( Arnulf Christl)
- final copy due roughly 15 November 2007
- not yet started
- February 2008 -- (8) MapServer (Steve Lime)
- final copy due roughly 15 December 2007
- not yet started
- March 2008 -- (9) GRASS ( Malte Halbey-Martin)
- final copy due roughly 15 January 2007
- in preparation
- April 2008 -- (10) GeoNetwork (Jeroen Ticheler)
- final copy due roughly 15 February 2008
- not yet started
- May 2008 -- (11) Public GeoData (Jo Walsh)
- final copy due roughly 15 March 2008
- not yet started
- June 2008 -- (12) MapBuilder (Cameron Shorter)
- final copy due roughly 15 April 2008
- not yet started
- July 2008 -- (13) Commercial Models around Open Source (Dave McIlhagga)
- final copy due roughly 15 May 2008
- not yet started
- Other Future Topics
- [topic?] -- Daniel Ames: "MapWindow: Open Source GIS for the .NET Framework" or "MapWindow GIS and the BASINS Watershed Modeling System"
- ChrisH: "I could also do something like show how GeoTools fosters uDig and GeoServer and how play in to one another, advances in one get picked up by the others, in a virtuous circle."
- added to end of queue (from earlier pub. dates)
- MapGuide (Bob Bray)
- Education -- PuneetK
Editorial Notes
The following guidelines are from the GeoConnexions Editor (currently Roger Longhorn).
(1) A column in our magazine is 1 page in length. An example is here. Total number of words is about 800. It can be less but not more. If you wish to add an image, then shoot for around 600 words. Try to include the writer's pic at 300 dpi and their affiliation and email - this lets readers identify with the person writing and provides a point of contact.
(2) Images are a big issue for hardcopy print, especially computer images because they are only 72 dpi usually. Print quality is 300 dpi. That means 300 pixels per square inch for the print process. Most screen captures are reduced to 1/5th their original size when printed - usually causing us to throw them out because they represent the content poorly. Stretching a 72 dpi image to resize it means one still ends up with a 72 dpi image, only bigger. Please aim for 300 dpi if submitting images.
(3) Content - My policy is to support expression. Someone writes it, I'll support it. I only edit for spelling, grammar and what I consider to be outright libelous. The writer should stand behind their expression. As I mentioned earlier, I am not a programmer. I need your help to peer review programming content (which is why the 'contact point' ) will work well. Ultimately everything in the column will reflect on OSGeo. It's your column, you choose the content. Our Media Pack describes Themes for issues by edition throughout the year. I use these as a guideline.
(4) Reprint - I am a supporter of the creator maintaining all rights. Whomever submits material owns it as far as I am concerned. All I ask is that we have first right to print (we compete on the basis originality). Once printed, you may do whatever you wish with the material, you own it. We usually archive it online and columns are available for distribution online. Since hardcopy prints are a fixed cost, they can be purchased if anyone wants a few hundred. I don't know the cost, a marketing person can help if needed. Our Media Pack is here.
(5) Timeline - I am usually working 90-100 days ahead of time. Be aware that there is delay in hardcopy and get material in early. On the flip side, we publish our articles to online almost immediately after hardcopy production.