Conference Call

From OSGeo
Revision as of 18:30, 5 June 2008 by Tmitchell (talk | contribs) (passcode change, leader code now required)
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This page outlines OSGeo's telephone conference call-in account numbers and connection information. The administrative/leader passcodes are not shown here, to maintain security of the system. If you need it for a call, please contact a board member or

Thanks to Autodesk for making this available.

Phone Numbers

One major benefit of this service is that it has many toll-free international numbers.

Participant Passcode: 9360911# -- code changed, will distribute as/when required. Leader passcode required before call can be used. Contact Tyler or a board member for access information.

Country                    Toll Numbers        Freephone/Toll Free Number
AUSTRALIA                 61-2-8205-8112            1-800-993-862
AUSTRIA                   43-1-92-80-300            0800-005-021
BELGIUM                   32-2-403-1046             0800-4-9973
BRAZIL                                              0800-8911984
CANADA                                              1-866-880-0098
CHINA*                                              10800-712-1297
CZECH REPUBLIC            420-2-25-98-56-50         
DENMARK                                             8088-6034
FINLAND                   358-106-33-144            0-800-1-13087
FRANCE                    33-1-70-70-74-23          080-510-1037
GERMANY                   49-69-2222-7803           0800-000-3329
GREECE                    30-80-1-100-0679          00800-12-6966
HONG KONG                 852-2286-5648             800-930-448
HUNGARY                                             06-800-17997
INDIA                                               000-800-852-1233
INDONESIA                                           001-803-011-3784
IRELAND                   353-1-431-9704            1800-932-283
ISRAEL                                              1-80-9214889
ITALY                     39-02-3600-6514           800-986-561
JAPAN                     81-3-5539-5170            00531-12-1856
LUXEMBOURG                352-27-000-1356           
MALAYSIA                                            1-800-80-2416
NETHERLANDS               31-20-718-8514            0800-023-4634
NEW ZEALAND               64-9-970-4754             0800-446-325
NORWAY                    47-21-59-00-55            800-10261
POLAND                                              00-800-1212014
PORTUGAL                                            8008-15383
RUSSIA                                              8-10-8002-0174011
SINGAPORE                 65-6883-9214              800-120-4339
SOUTH AFRICA                                        080-09-98814
SOUTH KOREA               82-2-6744-1068            00798-14800-6850
SPAIN                     34-91-414-29-41           800-098-586
SWEDEN                    46-8-505-78-551           0200-890-174
SWITZERLAND               41-44-580-7530            0800-001-062
TAIWAN                    886-2-2795-7364           00801-137-709
THAILAND                                            001-800-1206-65646
UNITED KINGDOM            44-20-7108-6316           0800-376-8335
USA                       1-210-795-1100            866-880-0098 

!Access to your conference call will be either of the numbers listed, dependent on the participants' local telecom provider. Restrictions may exist when accessing freephone/toll free numbers using a mobile telephone.

Participant Information

Participant passcode: 9360911

Joining a conference

To join a conference:

  1. You must use a touch-tone phone to participate in an Instant Meeting Conference.
  2. Dial the appropriate access number
  3. Enter numeric passcode followed by a "#"

In-Conference Features

The following Instant Meeting features are available:

  • Press *1 private help menu.
  • Press *3 roll call (private)
  • Press *6 mute or un-mute individual line.

Leader Information

A conference call cannot start if the leader is not logged in.

To join your conference:

  1. You must use a touch-tone phone to participate in an Instant Meeting Conference.
  2. Dial the appropriate access number
  3. Enter participant passcode, follow the prompts and enter your leader passcode when requested. (contact a board member of for leader passcode if needed)

In-Conference Features

  • Press *1 - private help menu.
  • Press *2 - roll call (in conference). Name Record feature must be set to "yes".
  • Press *3 - roll call (private). Name Record feature must be set to "yes".
  • Press *4 - mute or un-mute the entire conference (except for leader).
  • Press *5 - enable Conference Continuation (after leader leaves the conference).
  • Press *6 - mute or un-mute individual line.
  • Press *7 - lock or unlock the conference.
  • Press *8 - dial out to additional participants (within North America).
  • Press *9 - Entry/Exit options.: tone, recorded name, or silent entry.