OSGeo Member Java Code Inventory
The purpose of this section is to catalog the inventories of Java code being developed and maintained by OSGeo members. This inventory may reduce code duplication and enhance code reuse. All the code listed in the inventories should be released under a FOSS license and should be at least loosely related to the development of geospatial software.
The Sunburned Surveyor's Inventory
Project Name: Docking Window Utilities
Status: Stable
License: GPL
Description: Utility classes for working with InfoNode's docking window framework.
Project Name: DXF I/O
Status: Incomplete
License: GPL
Description: Library that support the input/output or reading/writing of Autodesk DXF files. Emphasis is on low level access to point, line, polyline, and text entities.
Project Name: GPX Support
Status: Incomplete (Near first stable release.)
License: LGPL
Release Entity: GeoTools
Description: Library that support the input/output or reading/writing of Topographix GPX files. Emphasis is on low level access to waypoint, route and track entities. Includes support for manipulation of GPX files, GPX metadata and temporal queries of GPX entities.