Udig round the world sprint
Udig round the world - code sprint
This event gets born out of this email thread: http://lists.refractions.net/pipermail/udig-devel/2008-December/013591.html
Through this event we want to give the udig trunk version a push towards stability.
This code sprint will take place mostly in IRC via udig's IRC channel.
Proposed date for the sprint is 16-17th of January.
Attending people
- Andrea Antonello
- Silvia Franceschi
- Harry Bullen
- Ugo Taddei
- Mauricio Pazos
- Aitor Lertxundi
- Eric Jarvies - Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico
add yourself here
Requested 1.2 udig release
Volunteer needed to build/package latest trunk for XP/Vista, OS X, and Linux.
What will be tested before the sprint on the released version
We need to go through the uDig tutorials; these cover the functionality we need to work in order to have the product function.
- http://udig.refractions.net/confluence/display/EN/Quickstart
- http://udig.refractions.net/confluence/display/EN/Walkthrough+1
- http://udig.refractions.net/confluence/display/EN/Walkthrough+2
Just going through this in order and listing any problems an amazing help (we can do the list in the next section).
Let's use that as a base. But since using always the same moves and the same dataset leads to always the same unseen errors, let's also fill a table with further thoughts as they come:
Make a set of shapefiles available. Best is to use shapefile containing exotic charsets like those used by italians or german or korean | I can provide a set of shapefiles(Point, Path, and Polygon), along with PostgreSQL(dB) and Geoserver(WMS) access to the same maps/layers(en español).
--Ericjarvies 13:32, 12 December 2008 (UTC) |
Loading of data without prj | meep |
Selection of data and sorting in the table view | 1. On OS X PPC/x86, when editing PostgreSQL/PostGIS layers, changes are not saved, and a nasty loopy bug is introduced, requiring restart of uDig.
2. Need to be able to adjust column width and rearrange columns, wherein user may exit table view, return to table view, without having those columns return to their previous state. --Ericjarvies 13:32, 12 December 2008 (UTC) |
Create a project, save it, restart udig with project. Move the project folder and reopen it. | meep |
...add here your thought... be mean! |
Tasks that were choosen to be fixed during the sprint
to be defined