Face to Face Meeting Summer 2006
The board has been discussing the idea of getting people together for a face-to-face meeting to establish, and work on, priorities. A meetup / workshop needs clear goals. If we could set them, this could be a really useful occasion.
When and Where
June 11th and 12th at the Autodesk San Rafael offices.
This is just preceeding the Where 2.0 conference June 13/14 in San Jose which is relatively nearby. (According to Google, San Rafael to San Jose is 67 miles / 74 minutes.)
Board members and committee members of VisCom, WebCom and the Fundraising committees are encouraged to attend.
- Frank Warmerdam will attend.
- please add availability for other people
For a one- or two- day meeting there need to be clear goals identifiable.
- OSGeo Web style established.
- Project style guidelines.
- Content plan completed.
- Briefing by Mark Lucus on open source related activities within DOD.
- Develop a 2005/2006 budget.
- General strategy discussions.
- Try to reach consensus on new projects to admit to incubation.
- Prepare conference presentation materials (for Where 2.0, and more general use).
- General strategy discussions.