Live GIS Disc Meeting Minutes
We/Th 27 Jan 2010
- Prioritise tasks that we will work on for the upcoming 3.0 release
Possible Areas for improvement:
- Clean up desktop icons
- maybe use a menu instead
- probably create a section for "bleeding edge" releases and packages. This section doesn't need the same level of QA as the rest.
- Make build scripts consistent
- copy config files from checked out svn directory, rather than "wget". This means we can rebuild old releases (which can't be done at the moment).
- Use the same tmp file names
- Quality Control:
- Have each project write a test plan which explains how to test to see if the project works
- Move toward OSGeo incubation
- Put commit processes in place, and specify which licences can and cannot be added
- Have committers sign up to maintain the commit guidelines
- Specify license guidelines
- Data Sets:
- Package up a common dataset
- Encourage (but not mandate) projects to use the dataset
- Documentation: (probably to target 4.0, foss4g 2010)
- Provide tutorial guidelines
- Encourage projects to populate the tutorials in line with the guidelines