Google Summer of Code Application 2011

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Revision as of 01:32, 3 February 2011 by Wiki-HamishBowman (talk | contribs) (logo)
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GSOC 2011 URL.png

Application Deadline
  • February 28: 19:00 UTC
Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applications to Google.
  • March 11: 23:00 UTC
Mentoring organization application deadline.



  • Verify if the application rules have changed in any way since we last looked at them.


  • Anne!

For discussion

Possible additions to last year's

  • Title: (please include the name of the member project as part of the title, for example: "Gee Whiz Foobar 2001 for QGIS")

proposed additional question for the application:

  • Would your application contribute to your ongoing studies/degree? If so, how?
(logic: If they will use the software for their degree they will care more about functional and absolutely correct outcomes. Also if they have a local univ. supervisor it's like a built-in co-mentor)

Possible removals vs. last year's

too many "why are you interested in this?" questions? combine some? (or not)